Who said Inter-dimensional Space Travel Was Impossible?

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Michael's POV

I couldn't help but look at her as she drove. Her skin glistened in the sunlight as she happily pulled into the exit that would take us to lebanon. "How long?"

She looks over at me confusion in her eye and a smile on her face "How long until what?"

I chuckle unable to help myself "How long until we get to lebanon?"

"Oh. We should be there in an hour or so? I'm not sure."

I nod my head and slowly drift off to sleep.

An Hour And A Half Later

"Hey. Wake up... hello? You alive?"

Someone was shaking me and was pretty insistent about waking me up. "WAKE THE HELL UP!!"

Who ever it was screamed directly into my ear and I bolted up right only to smash my head on the dashboard of the car. "Ow ow ow, that hurt's like a motherfucker!"

I glare at Tina as she snickers quietly trying to hide her smile. "You should have woken up the first time I tried. But you didn't so its your fault."

My glare deepened as I thought of things I could do to get her back. [I could just kiss her again] as the idea surfaced my glare changed into a mischevious smirk.

She glanced at me and frowened when she saw my face. "What are you thinking?"


My simple answer caused her to blush. "Hey. You can't blush. I havn't even done anything yet so no being embarrassed."

"Says you. I can do whatever I want thank you very much!"

A chuckle came from the back seat. Tina immideatly started screaming and I whipped my head back and glared toward the hidden passenger. "Lucas! What the fuck are you doing in the back of this car!?"

He cowered and whimpered "Please don't kill me! I meant no harm."

"Dude. You're pretty much my bitch so why would I kill you? You could be useful."

I grinned involuntarily when I said this. His eye's lit up in surprise and a hopeful little smile came onto his face "You really won't kill me?"

I wiped the smile from my face and said emotionlessly "Total lie."

His face fell and a look of terror replaced his smile and I laughed out loud and couldn't help from an actual smile crossing my face. Not one of my fake ones. I instantly killed my smile and stopped laughing before looking at Lucas "You are one of my people. Weather I like it or not so I've got to protect you even if you're a guy."

He frowned in confusion and asked "Your people?"

The grin was back and I looked at him in displeasure. "Yep. My people are protected by me no matter the cost."

Tina was staring at both of us in horror and confusion which for some reason pleased me. "Can some one tell me what the hell's going on?"

I lose my self in her eye before Lucas reaches forward and sticks out his hand to her. "Lucas Emerald Dynast. Nice to meet you."

She starts to reach back when I growl at Lucian. "Lucas, this is Tina. She's mine, touch her hand and I'll rip your fucking arm off!"

My words surprised everybody in the car, myself included. Tina looked at me with tears in the corner in of her eye. "I'm your's?"

I answer before I can stop the words "Yes. You are mine and mine alone."

I grit my teeth and my whole body tenses. Memorys start flashing through my head at an unbearable speed. My vision blurs and I start losing myslef again.

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