The Light Dawns

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Michael's POV

I look at the "man" in front of me "No, like I said, he was a LIFEblooded werewolf. Not pureblooded. You know claws, hairy limbs, large protruding teeth, don't smell very good, red in color?"

I stop myself from laughing as I watch the mans eyebrow wiggle and his mouth twitch.

"A Progenitor? Impossible, they should all be dead or sealed away. My Lord, do you know what a demonica is?"

"Not really. I assumed it was like a demon or something. In fact, before you said it was your race, I just thought it was something I made up to explain all the crazy shit my eyes seemed to see. Case in point, the werewolf I accidentally enslaved."

"Let me explain it then. In the universe, there are many different kinds of worlds, with many different creatures, that some would even call monsters, or demons, angels even. Take your pick and they probably exist, just not by the name you know them as. Take me for example. I'm a ghoul sub-species called a Rizen. Rizen, like ghoul's, survive off human flesh and blood. They have a lot of similar capabilities in terms of speed, strength, endurance and the likes. The major difference between them is that Rizen are immune to the affects of holy, and light magic-"

"Hold up, Magic? That's a thing too?"

"Yes, magic does indeed exist. As do other things like alchemy, enchanting, runes, and many more. The branches of magic are practically infinite."

"Oh, I so can't wait to be able to play with those."

"Back to Demonica. The word Demonica is just the phrase for where they came from, not what they are. The Demonican people come from the underworld, a realm of infinite reach, spanning across the multiverse. Each world, no matter how different, has a bridge to the underworld. Which is why so many worlds have so-called 'demons' which are just a lower class Demonica, or sub-species like me, some worlds just have long past descendance, whose abilities are minor compared to purebloods. On the note of purebloods, they are the one piece we cannot restore. They were the first of us, the strongest too, they alone changed our fates. The people you'll see from now on that come from the underworld are just imitations of the purebloods. Your father sent me here to find you, to train you in our ways, and when you are ready, to bring you to him."

"Wait a minute, my father sent you? That can't be, my father is dead, I watched him die. I watched him get RIPPED APART, SO SORRY TO BURST YOUR BUBBLE BUT YOU'RE LYING!!!"

"NOT THAT IMPOSTOR! I'll be damned if I let you call that little human man your father. Your real father sent me."

"My real father? What's next, my real mother is going to send someone to take me from you because she doesn't agree with my fathers ideals so you were about to suggest we go and take my newly acquired human servants and find a place for me to train?"

The man stares at me, a look of profound disbelief marring his face "How could you possibly know that?"

My grin falls from my face and I look him in the eye "Wait, your saying that a women calling herself my mother is actually fighting against my so called father because she doesn't agree with what he's doing? And this said lady is also coming after me because I'm this mans so called child? Are you shitting me?"

Suddenly I hear a low chime like a bell and an almost inaudible voice saying (99%, 99.01%, 99.11%, 99.21%....)

Before he can even reply to my first round of questions I blurt out my thoughts, "Do you hear that?"

He looks at me strangely, "Do I hear what?"

An earsplitting chime reverberates throughout my head and I hear the same voice only much louder counting up almost reaching 100.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2021 ⏰

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