Life Or Death, Who Decides?

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It dripped red from the shiny black blade nestled in his fingers. The room decorated with bits and pieces of pulverized flesh. No two pieces could be identified as belonging to the same person for it was all unrecognizable in its gruesome yet oddly beautiful destruction. The silent figure gazed at the boy before him, seemingly entranced. "Why must you persist to hide in the shell of a human?"

The boy, terrified and thoroughly enraged could barely force his question beyond his bloodied lips. A rough voice that couldn't help but tremble reverberated through the room almost inaudible, "Why? Why did you kill my family? What did we ever do to you?"

"Family?" a voice like a knife on rocks came from the previously silent figure. "You think they are your family? Its laughable how naïve you are. You truly think you are the spawn of some insignificant mortals?"

"How can they not be? They raised me from birth and made me who I am! How is that laughable? Huh? Answer me you piece of shit!" The boy roared in outrage at the thought of them not being his family.

The figure rushed forward grabbing and slamming the boy to the ground pinning him. The boy aware of his desperation to live struggled but to no avail. "Struggling is useless... but you know that don't you Michael?"

"Michael? Who the hell's Michael? My name is Lucien Tepesh so that me-"

"Fool. You are Michael Alexander Death, son of King Samael and his Mistress Queen Alexandra. The only reason I'm here is because your presence in the underworld has been requested."

The Nameless Man's expression gives a feeling of deathly calm but his tone betrays his true feelings.

"I refuse to go anywhere with you, so you might as well kill me instead." both the boy's expression and tone are calm betraying nothing.

"Oh I plan on it. See... the only way to see your father is through death. I don't plan on making it pleasant either."

He raised the sword and swung quickly, only a blur of the blade visible. "Squelch"

A blood curdling scream ripped itself from the boys jaw "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

In an Instant he had raised the sword again, smiled and dropped it again before raising it again before dropping it, repeating the process as the boys screams got louder for a time before they slowly lost strength and then stopped altogether. The man looked down as the boy croaked out "Just kill me. Haven't I had enough?"

"Of course. I apologize for being inconsiderate." The man proceeded to raise the sword before striking downwards penetrating the boys heart. As the boy lay dying on the floor and the light faded from his eyes, he saw a plain black door opening slowly before him. Unable to do anything he lays there and dies.

Ten Hours Earlier

Lucien jolts upright in bed, terrified from the nightmare he'd had that night. Remembering the horror he felt as he ran from the crazy woman with the bloody knife. Even though he knew it was a dream he still couldn't get over the look on her face as she chased him around the empty hallways of his school. She look as if she was enduring the most horrific amount of pain and suffering that a human is able to endure without fainting. Had he ran any slower he would have surely been killed and maybe woken earlier.

He glances at the alarm clock on the nightstand next to his bed.

8:15 am

"Fuck! I'm so late. She's definitely gonna kill me now." he hurriedly got dressed. Once he was done he bolted outside to his motorcycle and put on his coat and helmet before turning it on relishing it's adrenaline inducing roar.

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