Be Mine (Harry - Contest winner)

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This is the one shot I wrote for the winner of the little contest I did today. I will do something like this again because I really liked it.

Maddy, I hope you like this little scene. Congrats on winning the little contest!


"Be Mine"

“Are you done?” I ask waiting at the other side of the door and I only hear her laughing. She is enjoying this, making me wait to go out.

I roll my eyes and rest my back against the wall assuming that she will take another five minutes just because I asked that. Maddy loves making me mad just because she knows I can’t remain in that state for too long. She looks at me with a little cute smile and I forget everything as I let myself lost in the green sea of her eyes. Those special eyes, those eyes I love so much, those green eyes that have this adorable gold around the irises. When she looks at me I can actually see the beautiful person she is inside, I can see why we are best friends.

I’ve known Maddy since we’re thirteen and since then we have been close friends. She didn’t change when I suddenly became famous, when the lads and I accomplished things we never thought possible. She has remained the same and she treats me like the same Harry she met five years ago.

She’s perfect. She’s not only my best girl friend, but she’s so funny and clever and humble. She’s beautiful but she doesn’t notice that, she doesn’t see how special she is. She has the most beautiful soul and I know my life wouldn’t be the same without her. When we are away with the lads I miss her terribly and it was in our first trip out of the country when I wasn’t able to see her when I realised about my feelings for her.

She is more than my best friend, she’s the girl I’m absolutely in love with. I tried to deny that, I dated other women just to keep her out of my mind. Young girls and older women. But nothing could take her out of my mind nor our out my heart.

I’ve been trying to gather the courage to tell her what I feel, but I’m a pussy and I can’t find the words. I look at her and the fear of her not feeling the same way overpowers me and I keep my feelings for myself. Louis says I have to tell her, but I can’t bear the thought of losing her as a friend. I can’t take that risk and that’s why I keep all this in the shadows.

When she finally gets out of the bathroom I feel my jaw hitting the floor. She looks stunning, so beautiful. In a simple black cocktail dress with her brown hair falling beautifully over her shoulders and framing her lovely face with a darker makeup that night. She looks just perfect. I feel my heart beating faster and my hands tingling out of the need to touch her.

“I’m ready,” she says with a cute smile and I have to shake my head to come back to reality. See? I can’t be mad at her for making me wait.

“Let’s go then, shall we?” I tell her offering her my arm for her to fold hers.

She smiles and puts her hand on my arm as we start walking towards the door. I’m taking her to dinner as it is her birthday and I have made my mind about it: I’m going to tell her how I feel tonight. I just hope she feels the same way or that at least, my confession won’t change anything between us. I just can’t keep it inside of me any longer.

I drive her to the restaurant where I made reservations for us. As I want privacy tonight, I had to make reservation for like twenty people. But for her it is worth it. Everything is worth it for my beautiful Maddy.

I pull a chair for her after the waiter leads us to our table. I see she’s happy and marvelled for the place I’ve chosen for us tonight and her smile encourages me.

The night goes smoothly, the food is great and as usual with her, the conversation just flows without problem. In my mind I hear Louis telling me to speak up, to expose my feelings for her and I’m going to do it. Eventually. My hands are shaking as I see her taking another bite of her desert, knowing that I have to tell her, I can’t wait anymore.

But apparently I can wait more because I find myself at her door ready to say goodbye and I haven’t told her anything yet.

“Thanks for tonight, Harry. It was lovely,” she tells me with her lovely smile and I just want to cup her face and bring her close to me, so close so I can kiss her.

“I’ glad you had fun,” I say standing there. She’s playing with the keys and I know that she wants me to say something else. “Maddy…” I whisper and she looks up at me, right into my eyes.

“Yes?” She looks hopeful and I felt a lump in my throat making me difficult to breath and utter the words.

“I– I’m… um… Happy birthday,” I say instead and I want to bang my head against the wall for coward and stupid. I see deception in her eyes before she covers it up with a bright smile.

“Thanks,” she says as I put my hands in my pockets. I feel the little box there that I can’t give her unless I tell her what I feel about her.

I take a deep breath and close my eyes for a couple of seconds. I can do this, I know I can. “Maddy, there’s something else I wanna tell you,” I speak up opening my eyes to meet hers, so beautiful as usual.

“You can tell me anything, Harry. You know that,” she reminds me and I know it. Even if she doesn’t feel the same way, I know she will never push me out of her life. I won’t lose her because above everything, we are best friends.

“You’re my best friend and I honestly can’t imagine my life without you in it.” She smiles sweetly and I can only think of how much I love her. My heart is beating so fast in this moment. “But being your friend is not enough for me anymore because my feelings have changed.” I can see surprise in her eyes and her lips parting slightly due to the shock. “What I’m trying to say, Maddy, is that… I… I love you. I’m in love with you and I’ve wanted to tell you this for so long but I couldn’t because I’m so afraid I might lose you as a friend and I can’t take that,” I start rambling, speaking fast and squeezing the box in my hand. “I– I love you,” I repeat and wait.

I wait there for her answer. She’s still in shock and for a moment I fear she’s going to reject me, but then the ends of her lips curve up in a smile and her eyes start shining. She steps forward and stands on her tiptoes as her hand cups my face softly.

“I love you, too, Harry,” she says right before she pecks my lips ever so lightly. Her lips brushing mine felt like the touch of a feather.

It takes me five seconds to apprehend what she’s said and right after that, I wrap my arms around her and pull her closer to kiss her back. Really kiss her as I’ve dreamt so many times.

Her lips felt perfect against mine, her body fits with mine and I don’t want to ever let her go. She belongs there, in my arms, with me.

When we pull away she looks at me with her eyes shining and the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen. Then I remember the little box in my pocket and I take it out quickly keeping my other arm around her. “This is for you,” I tell her handing her the little box. “Happy birthday,” I repeat and she looks surprised again.

I let her go so she can open the box to see what’s inside. It’s a bracelet of silver that says “be mine” with a delicate calligraphy and she keeps looking at it with big eyes. When she looks up at me I see her eyes even brighter than before. “Of course,” she whispers and I know she refers to the bracelet. My smile grows bigger and she giggles handing me the bracelet to put it around her wrist.

I cup her face with my both hands and kiss her one more time trying to let her know how strong my feelings for her are.

“Best birthday ever,” she whispers against my lips and I just smile.

“Best day ever,” I add because this has been the day she accepted to be mine and that’s all what I could ask for, that’s all what I need. Just her. My beautiful Maddy.

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