A Letter to Nialler (Niall - One shot)

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NIALL! I know you'll never read this, but I'm doingit anyways. YOLO!

Okay, this is a short one shot I wrote because it's Niall's birthday and because I wanted to. The gril doesn't have a name, so you can pretend it's you if you want to. I hope you like it (:


A Letter to Nialler

Dear Niall,

First off, Happy Birthday!! I would look for how to say that in many other languages but, what's the point? You’re not gonna read this. Plus, I'm lazy as fuck, so nope. But seriously, I really wish you have a great day, and not just today, all the time! Make of every day something special. I know you can.

Normally I don't do this kind of things,-writing letters and stuff-, birthdays are not a special thing for me, yet I know you were excited and I just wanted to do something for you. Yes, probably you won't read this, probably you'll never know how much happiness I wish for you, yet I'm doing it anyways. Call me crazy!

There's no difference between eighteen and nineteen, unless you make that difference. So it depends on you. What are you gonna do? Just have fun, don't be too reckless. Make sure the bungee jump company is legal, okay? We all want our precious Nialler alive.

I still wonder why I'm writing this, you probably receive tons of letters and presents. My words are not special. Not even a bit. See how much I love you? I'm wasting my time -that it's not precious at all, but let’s pretend it is so I don’t feel that lame- to write something that no one will read, just hoping my wishes for you will reach something. A star, maybe? Who knows. I just... I just want you to be the happiest person on the planet!

Probably you haven't seen this... but I tweet you a lot and I know I might look like I hate you or something like that. I swear, I don't. On the contrary! I tease you about your grammar and other things because I love you more than I can ever express. It's weird, I know. Don't judge me! Okay... the thing is, I kinda "bully" you because I care about you. I know you can write better, I know you can be a better example for all those kids that follow you. Something that simple as writing I instead of i, make a difference in a level you are not conscious about. I know you're a carefree lad and you just live the moment, but what you do doesn't affect only you, it has an impact on many, many lives that are just starting. You can't forget that. That's why I insist so much on you writing with a better grammar, I know you can. I just want you to be better. Is that wrong?

And suddenly, this letter became about something serious. What's wrong with me?

Have a wonderful day, enjoy to the fullest, have an amazing time with those who love you and can be with you this day. Many people like me, who love you without even meeting you in person, will be happy for you and wishing you the best. I would draw you something, but I suck at that... though probably that would make you laugh and that's nice, right? But I don't wanna humiliate myself... even more.So instead, take a smiley face.

Happy birthday one more time. Enjoy, be happy. All my love, even if you don't read this.

Yours, another fan.

Niall read the last words of the letter wondering why she would call herself another fan. A girl who cared so much, not only for him, but for the impact he had, wasn't just another fan. A fan that could make him laugh with a few words couldn't be just another fan. None of his fans were 'just a fan'. All of them were special, yet this girl had touched him somehow. He couldn't explain it, he just felt it. But the girl didn't give her name nor an address to reply. Nothing. She was wearing an anonymity mask and he couldn't take it off. Yet he wanted. He wanted to know who she was. At least, to tell her thank you for that letter, for the good wishes and for her concern.

He put the letter inside the envelope again and kept it close, wondering if he was ever going to find out who she was. He tried to remember about the grammar thing on twitter and he could picture some tweets in his mind, some arguments about him that he read but never replied, yet thought about them. Could she be one of those girls? How could he ever find out? There was no way he could track those tweets.

But maybe there was another way.

The blond took his mobile phone out of his pocket and went to the twitter app.

I received a cute letter, but you never wrote your name. Whoever you are, thanks. You're not ‘another fan’. And that drawing was amazing!

He checked grammar and punctuation twice just to make sure everything was fine. If she read that, she was going to realise it was about her. Or, at least, she was going to get excited just because of the good grammar. And the drawing part was just to make sure the right girl was replying.

As he expected, many girls claimed to be the girl from the letter, referring to the drawing, saying you're welcome... some even wrote 'your welcome'. Definitely those weren't her.

He constantly checked his phone, waiting for her answer. He really hoped he could find her.

A few hours later, he saw a couple of tweets that caught his attention.

If you're talking about my letter. Yes, I'm just another fan and you're a liar! I didn't draw anything! I can't do that.

BTW, congratulations! Perfect grammar in that tweet! I'm so proud of you *goes to a corner to cry of sheer happiness* And Happy Birthday again.

Yes, it was her. It had to be her!

A smile spread across his face as he went to her profile and hit the follow button.

I know you didn't draw anything. I was testing you. Thanks for the letter and, again, you're not just another fan.

In a matter of seconds, the Iris

h boy received an answer he wasn't expecting.

Why are you following me? No, no, no, no! Unfollow me now! I'll jump from my window *runs embarrassed around her room*

He laughed out loud. What fan would panic and ask him to unfollow her? Every day he received tons of tweets asking him to follow them and this girl didn't want it. How could she be just another fan?

Just because of that, I won't.

He replied just to tease her. He was intrigued to see her reaction and he was, kind of, ignoring all the tweets asking him to follow them, that it wasn't fair, that she didn't even want him to follow her.

You little bastard. I hope you choke in your own adorableness. Is this your revenge for all the bullying, right?

And he burst our laughing. He didn't know how she looked, her profile picture didn't show much, yet he would die to see her expression in that moment. Yet he saw many girls attacking her because of their conversation. That wasn't fair, so he had to prevent that from happen.

He didn't reply her, at least not publicly. He sent her a direct message to keep the conversation private. He still had a smile on his face as he sent his response. That day he didn't find another fan. He found a new friend.

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