The Bookstore (Louis - one shot)

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Okay, this is my present for Dani as it's her birthday. I know it's not much, but I hope you like it, love. Happy birthday! I'm glad we are friends. I love you.


The Bookstore
A Louis Tomlinson one shot.

It was a special day for Dani. After so much work and time, her friend was having her first signature. Since they met over the Internet, Dani had been next to her, pushing her to follow her dreams and telling her she was going to succeed as a writer. And she had been right. Bel Watson now was a published author and she couldn’t be prouder of her friend. She had been next to her and she was going to be until the very end. That day in the bookstore, Dani was next to her giving her strengths to carry on with the tedious yet lovely work of meeting readers.

Their friendship had started almost from nothing, the love between them was just born someday and since then, they had been together. During the good and bad times, they had been together.

It had been a long day with many people that had gone to the bookstore to get a signed copy. Dani had been there the whole time, sometimes talking to a few girls who had been reading Bel since she started posting online. It was a great way to make new friends, plus the bookstore was lovely and she could stay there forever, it even had a coffee shop. Yes, she could live in there.

The bookstore was about to close and almost all the copies had been sold, but three new clients walked in with long coats and scarfs covering half of their faces. They almost seemed like taken from a movie and there was something special about them, about the way the moved and how they looked everywhere, almost as they were afraid of something. They had something familiar around them and Dani wasn’t sure why, but she had this feeling in her guts telling her that she knew them from somewhere.

The boys walked towards the desk where Bel was talking to a couple whilst Dani couldn’t take her eyes off of them, specially the shorter one with brown hair and the black coat. He was the only one who not wearing a beanie. The three of them had a copy of the book already and they talked in whispers.

Why couldn’t she shove the feeling off? It was really starting to bug her.

Suddenly, the brunet turned around and his blue eyes met hers and her heart literally stopped for a second and she wasn’t able to bring air to her lungs anymore. She had just frozen on her spot whilst the rest of the world had gone out of focus. Just in a matter of seconds.

She knew those eyes, she was sure of that but her brain wasn’t working, only her heart was telling her that. She couldn’t see half of his face, but she knew he had smiled at her for the way his eyes lighted up and she still couldn’t move.

He certainly had power over her.

He turned around again when his friend told him it was their turn to get the autograph. Just then Dani shook her head trying to clear it off, but she was still overwhelmed by the moment. Her mind was working so hard to put the pieces together. Where had she seen those eyes before? Because she had, she couldn’t be wrong about that.

She was so focused on trying to remember that she didn’t even noticed when the boys left and the moment her friend came to talk to her and she realised of it, it was seriously disappointing. “You okay, Dani?” Bel asked looking at her concerned and Dani just shook her head lightly to shove everything off.

“Yeah, I was just thinking,” she replied with a smile. “You done?” Her friend nodded but Dani could see she wasn’t convinced with her answer. “Great, then we can go and grab something to eat. I’m starving!”

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