Chapter 43

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"Are you sure you should tell everyone?" Mia asked me. We walked side-by-side down the path that circled the houses of Safe Haven. We were on our way to the main field in the center of safe grounds where I needed to make an announcement. "You'll only scare everyone," she told me. "And that is the last thing you want to do."

I shook my head, disagreeing. "It will help protect them and keep them on their toes. They need to know how dangerous this situation really is."

"The archer will be upset," she tried to persuade.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't see why. Whoever the archer is—they will get over it."

"I don't know." Mia's green eyes pleaded with mine. "It feels like a bad idea." I ignored her and kept walking. "Riley, please."

I abruptly turned around and faced her. "Why are you so dead on saying I shouldn't do this?" I asked a little too harshly.

She audibly sighed and ran her fingers through her black hair. With a shrug of her shoulders, she replied with a calmer tone in her voice. "I just have a bad feeling."

"I'm making the announcement," I finalized, turning into the field. I made my way toward the demigods that had gathered around just moments before. I spotted my brother and friends next to a picnic table and I joined them. Mia followed up behind me, stopping at my side. I didn't miss the glint of happiness that flashed in Carson's eyes when he glanced at Mia. I made a mental note to ask him about it later.

Dylan gestured for me to climb up on the wooden picnic table and I followed instruction. My eyes scanned the demigods standing around me. Almost every single person was engrossed in a conversation with another with worried faces that filled me with sympathy. The war had put them through enough and now they were preparing to face another enemy.

I placed my thumb and pointer finger against my lips and whistled, gathering everybody's attention. With all eyes on me, I started my announcement. "I have bad news," I warned them. My voice was raised and bold but expressed the weariness I felt. "The attacker lives with us in Safe Haven." Gasps filled the air around me. Everyone knew what attacker I was talking about—there wasn't a need for me to further explain. "Anyone could be the archer," I told them. "We don't have any way to narrow it down yet other than making a list of people who were accounted for during the attack."

I scanned the whole crowd for someone who was reacting strange or as if they had already known the information. I had no luck since everyone's expression was full of shock and fear. "How are you going to find the archer?" Someone called from the crowd.

I shrugged. "We have a few ideas, but nothing is decided. I will update everyone as soon as we find something," I assured them. They nodded and I ended the discussion by jumping off the picnic table. Everyone dispersed and I rejoined my group of friends.

Dylan patted me on the back as I walked up to him, his sister and my brother. "Did you notice anyone reacting abnormally?" I questioned.

The three of them shook their heads. "No."

At that time, Elliott jogged up and stopped before us. "I kept an eye out. Everyone was shocked or scared," he informed us.

"In other words, the archer is a crazy good actor," Avrey said.

"Or an actress," Dylan added. He sighed and scratched the back of his head. "I'm going to update Kyle," Dylan told us.

I nodded and tucked a loose piece of hair behind my ear. "I'll come with you." We turned from the group and started quickly walking toward the head house.

Once we were a safe distance away and out of earshot, Dylan looked back over his shoulder with his mouth stretched into a grin. I chuckled and tried to catch the destination of his gaze. He was glancing back at our group of friends. "What is it?" I asked.

He looked back around to me and then ahead of us. "Is it just me, or do Mia and Carson seem to be getting along?" he asked.

I glanced back once more and caught Mia laughing at something Carson had said. My brother smiled brightly back at her in return. I nodded and smiled. "I'd say they are way past getting along," I told him. Dylan laughed in return and we walked up to the headhouse porch. "How worried are you about this whole archer situation?" I asked him, changing the subject.

He slipped his hands into his jean pockets. "I'm very worried. We have no idea who the archer is," he said. He opened the door to the building and gestured for me to walk in first. I did and he followed in after me. "If they aren't close to us already, I'd say they will try to get close. So keep your eyes open and don't let anyone get too close to you emotionally or physically."

I nodded and we made our way down the hallway. "I'll be careful."

I stopped at the guest bedroom door and knocked softly thrice. A muffled "come in" sounded from inside. I opened the door before Dylan and I walked in. The son of Hades slipped us each a small smile in greeting. I plopped down on the end of the bed near Kyle's feet and Dylan pulled a chair up beside the bed frame. "How did the announcement go?" Kyle asked. He crossed his muscular arms over his chest.

Dylan nodded. "Good, I guess. Everyone knows what is going on, but we didn't see any suspicions of someone being the archer. No one was acting unusual."

Kyle nodded. "Don't worry, we will find them soon."

"Yeah, they can't hide forever," I added. "We will catch them in the act at some point."

Right then, my phone vibrated in my back pocket. I reached back, pulled it out, and looked at the message I had received. "It was a bold move telling everyone I am here," I read aloud. I looked up to Dylan and Kyle, and we exchanged nervous looks.

"Tell them you had to. Everyone had to be prepared," Kyle ordered.

I nodded and typed what he said. We sat in silence as we waited for the sender to respond. My smartphone vibrated as I received the text message a few moments later. "They aren't the ones who should be prepared," I read aloud. "Who needs to then?" I responded.

A short moment passed. "I'm pretty sure you've already created a list."

I looked up from the screen and to the boys next to me. "They know about our list," I informed them.

"But we didn't even write it down. It's just a list of everyone who has been attacked," Dylan said.

Kyle sighed. "If they know about the list, then they are already close to us." My heart skipped a beat at the thought.

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