Chapter 52

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I turned away from my friends and looked around me. "Where is Avrey?" I asked sternly.

Dylan shook his head immediately and his jaw ticked. "Don't do anything. Riley, it isn't her."

I took a step toward him. "It is. It is her. What is with you never trusting me? This happened last year, too. You took Aidan's side when you knew he was no good. What is it with you always second guessing yourself in trusting me?" My chest rose and fell as I waited for his answer. It never came.

I turned around. "Riley, you aren't going alone," Kyle spoke up.

I turned back to him. "Yes, I am. I'm just talking. Nothing will happen," I told him.

His eyes never left mine. I knew he knew how dangerous Avrey was. She had almost killed him. He shook his head. "Riles..."

"I can handle myself," I said softly. "You guys have to have proof anyway. I'll get it soon. I promise." That was a promise I intended on keeping no matter what. I turned around and stalked toward Zeus' descendants' hill. I didn't stop or look back until I made it to the top.

Zeus' daughter stood atop the hill, swinging her golden sword around, fighting an imaginary opponent. There was a determination in her moves and anger in her actions. She was mid-swing when her eyes caught mine. She stopped immediately and stood up straight, turning in my direction. She twirled her weapon in her fingers as she walked toward me. A calm expression covered her face. She stopped a few feet away in front of me and crossed her arms after sheathing her golden blade. "I'm guessing you found the letter."

I nodded and mirrored her actions. "Mia did, yes."

She sighed, full of amusement. "Why did you come up here?" She questioned. "To threaten me maybe? Or tell me I am wrong?"

I took a dangerous step toward her. "I'm here to tell you that you are right," I admitted, causing her smile to drop. "This is between me and you. I'm asking you to leave everyone else out of this."

She visibly tensed. "I can't agree to that," she told me. "I need them gone too."

I sighed, uncrossing my arms. "You are crazy to go through all of this just to get control," I told her taking another step closer. If we were any closer, I would be able to feel her breath on my face. "If you touch Carson, Kyle or Dylan, I will kill you without a second thought. Like you said, this is between me and you. Promise me you won't hurt them," I pleaded.

She stared at me for a moment without responding. After a long minute, she finally shook her head. "I can't do that. I never make promises. I don't make those kinds of mistakes."


I opened the front door to my house and took a step inside. I found two boys sitting on my living room couch watching a baseball game on the TV. They both instantly stood up and interrogated me as soon as I closed the door behind me.

"How'd it go?" Carson asked.

"You didn't get hurt, did you?" Kyle questioned further.

I shrugged and walked passed them. I plopped down on the couch and laid down, turning to face the ceiling. "I made some threats if she touched any of you two or Dylan and wanted her to promise that this was only between me and her."

Kyle sat down in the recliner and hid his face in his hands. "Riles..." His mumbled voice sounded disappointed.

"She wouldn't promise anything," I spoke before he could start an argument about me always putting them before myself. "I'm going to take her down," I promised. "Soon."

"We should talk to the gods," my brother suggested. "They might have a few ideas on how to go about this situation."

I shook my head, remembering the reason why they didn't help us out with the war. "This is our fight. Not theirs. They won't help."

Kyle shrugged, glancing between my brother and me. "They might have a few tips at least," he agreed.

I sat up and looked at him with a disappointed look. "I'm not exactly on good terms with my dad," I remembered.

Kyle nodded, taking it into consideration. "This meeting will be for business purposes only," he assured. I stared between them, thinking about the situation. The two boys pleaded with their eyes.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Alright, whatever." A smile of satisfaction settled on their faces and Kyle pulled out his phone to get a hold of them.


"Are you sure you don't want me to go with you guys?" My brother asked Kyle and I. He stood under our front door frame, crossing his arms, seeming unsure about the situation.

Kyle nodded. "Dylan still doesn't believe us which leaves him in danger if he is here with Avrey by himself. I need you to watch the haven while keeping an eye on her." My brother nodded.

"We shouldn't be gone long," I assured him. "We are meeting at the head house if anything happens and you need to tell Dylan where we went."

He nodded again, his lips tightening to a line. "Be careful. Look out for monsters. You know a lot linger around that place," he reminded us.

We nodded and started down the boardwalk. "We will," Kyle called over his shoulder. We said our farewells before making our way into the woods. We stopped after we were out of sight. Kyle wrapped his arms around me, engulfing me in warmth. "Close your eyes." I did so and felt the air blow around us crazily almost immediately after. The experience always left me speechless.

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