Chapter 53

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A moment later, he gave me the clearance to open my eyes. Once I did, I looked around at our new surroundings. The hideout and shore were exactly like I had remembered them. The ocean water was bluer than ever and the hideout still looked like it would be falling down at any second. The sight gave me the inspiration to try and rebuild it with the boys once the battle was over.

Kyle and I climbed to our feet and dusted the beige sand off our jeans. He grabbed my hands almost instantly and began walking toward the woods. "They should be coming any second," he informed me.

We quickly walked through the dirt, dodging trees and bushes, hoping we were following the path that was now covered in brush. I followed Kyle down the hidden path for several minutes. After what seemed like forever, we noticed three men standing in the close distance. We approached them. The Big Three watched us approach with solemn smiles on their faces. Each of them stood there in all of their pride and glory, looking like they couldn't be happier to be paying us a visit.

Zeus continued to stand taller than his brothers but also holding the most grey hairs. Hades stood the shortest but held the larger muscles and larger built body. My father stood right in between of the two, holding the average mass and height.

Kyle walked up to his father and greeted him with a hug, unlike me. I knew I was holding a grudge and acting immature about the situation, but he had upset me. I hadn't taken the situation lightly. "Zeus. What a surprise," Kyle spoke. "I thought we were only expecting Hades and Poseidon."

Zeus shrugged, holding a playful smile on his face. "I figured my presence would be of great benefit," he said. Kyle and I nodded, agreeing.

Poseidon avoided eye contact with me. "What is the situation in which you need assistance? Can you further explain the problem?" he asked Kyle. I rolled my eyes. He was acting the same way I was. Like father—like daughter.

I decided to answer for Kyle since I knew the answers first hand. "As you probably know, an anonymous archer has been trying to kill us two along with Dylan and Carson for months now. I figured out it was Avrey. Avrey is the archer that almost killed us on multiple occasions," I explained. "If you are willing, we would like some tips or suggestions on how to go about the situation." Kyle glanced at me and nodded before looking back at the gods, agreeing with my choice of words.

An odd expression took place in sky god's face. He nodded and crossed his arms, staring off into space. "That is the reason why I took her away from Dylan before they arrived at Safe Haven, years back. She is too dangerous. She is a serial killer," he informed us. I gasped, not expecting his last sentence. Although it didn't surprise me, it coming from him just made it that more true. "She has killed many. Any rogue demigod she came across in the woods, or any group she found, she killed. She murdered them to prove she was more powerful than them. I guess she liked the feeling of dominance it gave her." He sighed and nodded, looking ashamed of his offspring. "She has a problem and we have to fix it."

We were silent for a moment until Kyle spoke up. "Her plan is to kill the children of the Big Three so she has the only right to be ahead of Safe Haven. At that point, she would be the only one in the haven with powers, giving her a method of control," Kyle explained. He crossed his hands in front of him. "We received a new message today though. She is going after Riley first. Apparently, Riley knowing the truth is causing a fault in her original plan."

I stared between the gods, silently begging them to say something. "Will you give us any help or tips?"

Zeus' eyes fell on mine, holding a hint of sadness, but no regret. "This isn't our fight. As I've told you before, you have to fight your own battles."

Kyle took a frustrated step forward, which showed a sense of disrespect toward the Big Three. I noticed the anger and disappointment in his eyes. "Last year's war got Riley killed. You are lucky I got her back. It wouldn't have had happened if you would've stepped in," he reminded them. "If you don't help us, you are only keeping us in further danger."

Hades took a step toward his son, showing the same growing-frustration expression. "As keepers of Safe Haven it is your job to fight for the community," he told us sternly.

Kyle sighed angrily, but nodded, having to listen to the gods. "Kyle, you were chosen to watch Safe Haven because you are capable of saving it," Zeus told him. "Do just that." His words seemed to effect Kyle positively, making him nod gratefully.

"Thank you," I told the gods. "I guess we will see you after this is over."

Kyle rolled his eyes and turned away. "If we live long enough." I watched Hades' eyes lit in anger, but he kept his mouth closed.

After speaking a farewell, Kyle and I walked back to the hideout and prepared to teleport back to Safe Haven. We were left disappointed with the gods' decision, but with a little more confidence in ourselves. We had the power to keep everyone safe—including ourselves. The demigods living in the haven looked up to us for a reason. They trusted us to protect them and lead them into battles. That trust was given to us because they believed we could do it. We had the capabilities. We were demigods—we were born to fight.

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