Part 4: Her House

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"You're going to sit here and you aren't going to move," Eden put Jiro on the couch, "If you need charging just plug yourself in. That's my only acception unless I say other wise."

 Her strict voice made Jiro nervous so he sat still. He waited and waited, bored and kicking his feet when Eden remembered she had a guest and her parents would be home soon. She found him where she left him sound asleep.

"Creepy," Eden said, "So he really acts human. What kind of programming does he have anyway."

 Eden moved Jiro's brown hair to get a better look at his sleeping face.

"His eye is cracked bad," Eden' s mother was standing behind her.

"You're home," Eden said.

"Honestly Eden if you wanted another  robot you shouldn't have picked it up off the street," her father said and called over a maid, "have this robot cleaned and polished tonight."

"I don't really care. It was a bet anyway," Eden said.

"Well it might be better to take it seriously Eden," her mother told her," Good night."

"Night," Eden went to the garage and grabbed a can of oil.

"Come on wake up," She said to jiro," you need something in your system."

 Jiro woke up and yawned. He stretches his arms and rubbed his unbroken eye.

"Drink," Eden commanded as she help out the can of oil.

"Oh thank you," Jiro sat with his legs crossed and rank the oil.

 Eden watched him drink the oil. Once he finished the maid guided Jiro to the bottom floor of Eden's mansion. There the other robots charged and drank their oil. There was a side room with soap, a hose, towels, wax and polish where the robots were cleaned.

"Alright little robot, Sit on that stool, we're going to wash you first," One maid said.

"Wash? Where's the tub?" Jiro had always been washed in a bathtub like a usual human, so a change like this confused him.

"Tub?" The maids started laughing at him, "Silly thing thinks it's going into a bath."

"Well that's were you get washed right?" Jiro didn't know why they were laughing.

"Just stay quiet and sit," Another maid said.

 Jiro wasn't fond of being sprayed down with cold water or being dried with a blow drier.

"How does he even know the waters cold?" One maid, named Abigail, asked another named Emma.

"Have you seen his charger pattern, it's from around six years ago. His generation of robots were one of the only ones with programed emotions and sensors to imitate the six senses," Emma replied.

"Wow, wonder why none of the newer models do?" Abigail asked.

"Robots began acting too much like humans. Refusing work and tasks. Not to mention the danger of rage and reprograming risks. They were all to be recalled a destroyed," Emma explained, "This was only a few years ago why don't you know we're both the same age?"

"I lived in the reserve countries until last year," Abigail told Emma.

"Hey you two get over here and help finish polishing this junk," The head maid, Sofia, called.

"Yes boss," They replied.

 Jiro was left alone after they finished cleaning him. He was alone with the other robots, no other with emotions like him.

"H-hello?" Jiro asked a charging Sweeping robot, "D-do you know when Eden will be back to get us?"

 He got no response.

"D-does anyone know?" Jiro asked all the robots in the room.

 He sat down in the corner and plugged himself in. He only saw the charging glows of minor lights on other robots and his own cracked, glowing, charging gem.

"H-hello?" Jiro called one last time, "Anyone awake?"

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