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"yoongi," jimin whispered, sitting beside him, "i threw away the vitamins without her knowing." he cackled to himself.

"you did a good thing, jimin." yoongi grinned, nodding at the boy.

"let's take a picture, i want to remember this time." jimin took out his phone.

snapping the picture, he immediately set it as his background. the two of them saw their faces appear on the screen. smiling in satisfaction, they faced each other before giving a final nod. jimin put his phone away and listened to the wild wild stories yoongi decided to share.

behind the closed door, mrs. park heard her son happily conversing with no one but himself. she heard his happy laughter and the little pauses he'd take to let the other person speak. every time he paused, she didn't hear anything but silence. she began to feel sad. she wondered what was wrong with her son and why he's like this. feeling tears rush down her face, she covered her mouth and resorted to her bedroom where she cried in silence. she could still hear him talking.

"that was funny, yoongi! say it again!"


hello, i just got off work :)


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