Chapter 7 • Nearly Harley Quinn

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"Will you please stop fidgeting?" I snap at my Bridget when I can no longer take her. She's been pacing around the living room and is nervously waiting for the old generations to finish cleaning the kitchen and the dining area.

             "I don't wanna go home," she says and her eyes flicks to the kitchen then back to us.

             "You'll be fine," Jace says in an annoyed voice. Even him is close to tying Bridget to a chair so she'll settle down.

             "If you didn't open your big mouth, I wouldn't have to face my parents!" Bridget exclaims, earning himself a snort from Ashton. These two have been very hostile with each other all throughout dinner. That's how I remember Ashton and I's relationship before.

             "They'll find out anyway," Jace replies, unaffected with Bridget's outburst. I look up at Austin who's standing next to Jace and has his arms folded in front of his chest. He shrugs.

             "No they won't. Next time, try..." Bridget trails off as her dad struts in to the living room, wiping his hands dry with a towel.

             "Next time, what?" Doug asks and then Bridget starts to blabber nonsense.

             I let out a deep and aggravated sigh before I decide to save our damsel in distress. "Bridget's sleeping at my place. She was just inviting the boys to come," I lie.

             Bridget's jaw drops flatly to the floor and she closes it immediately when his dad turns to him. She flashes him a wide smile. You'd have to know Bridget for a long time to see that relief is all that's present in that fake smile.

             "The boys don't wanna come so I told them next time, they'll try," she adds.

             "You're sleeping at Harley's?" Jace's asks and I inwardly groan. I shoot him a don't-be-stupid look when Doug's eyes are not on me and then he send me his I'm-just-playing-with-Bridget look.

             "Jace..." Bridget calls out in warning and she widen his eyes at him.

             "I'm sleeping over, too," he says and then he backhands Austin's abdomen, cueing him to talk next.

             "Yup. Just like the old times," says Austin which brightens everyone's moods in opposite to mine.

             Old times. These people are still living for the old times, for the old me. They are still being haunted by the memory of us that I've let go a long time ago. Why do people even hold on to things that hurt them?

Bridget suddenly squeals and pull me back for a hug as I am seated on the passenger seat of Austin's Jeep and her at the back with Jace. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

I roll my eyes then pat her arm that's around my neck as a response. I can see from the rearview mirror that she's beaming at me.

Bridget practically jumps out of the car as soon as Austin pulls over in front of my house. The damsel in distress turned into a five year old and skips her way to the front porch. Our eyes—because I know I'm not the only one—narrow our eyes at her casted foot.

             "Act normal," Austin says and I know he has something in his mind.

             We follow Bridget and keep our  faces straight even though I'm so close from kicking her casted foot. When I open the door open, she starts limping instead. I scowl at her back but Jace hides my face with my hair.

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