Chapter 31 • Endgame

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First and foremost,

Thank you very much for falling in love with Harley & Grayson.
Thank you for choosing this story over and over again.
Thank you for your patience.
Thank you for your never-ending support.
Thank you for staying with me for a couple of years.

"This is Grayson and Harley & from the bottom of our hearts...


• • • • •

"Give me an H!" Grayson jumps and yells like the cute cheerleader he is. He shakes the pompoms he's holding and then wiggles his hips.

Awhile ago, he is the only one who had a lot to say against my motives for today. He kept on complaining and forcing me to stop playing games but he knew better that I wasn't playing anything. He only shut his mouth when a devilish idea pop out of his evil mind.

He asked for my uniform.

And as much as I hate the fact that my cheer uniform might get all stretched and ripped because of his body mass compared to mine, I don't like him quitting on me especially at times like this when I need his back up the most. So I agreed.

Grayson pivots on his heels, his back turned to us and my last name in all capital letters shows into view. I decided against turning to my boy bestfriends. They too asked for my uniform but I declined.

"Why the sour faces?" Grayson asks when the laughing has died and everyone's pulling their new uniforms away from their skins with faces contorted in disgust. "Oh come on, guys. It's not that bad."

I chuckle to myself as I watch him wiggle his hips again. I may lose one uniform today but every team will gain each and everyone's respect after this. Grayson earns my respect, too.

"Wearing this actually taught me one thing already," Grayson starts in a serious tone that got everyone looking back up at him. He adjusts his stance before continuing. "That being a cheerleader is more than we give them credit for. It's hard being on this uniforms every second. It clings on you like a second skin and you have to endure the thought that you're dressed like a pr——"

I didn't give him the chance to finish because I throw Bridget's shoe at him and he dodges before it could hit him. Everyone laughs in response, but not me and the squad.

"I'm just kidding," he says, his hands up in the air, palms facing me. "But for real tho, we have to start seeing our cheerers more than just a bimbo garnish on our football team. No offense, girls."

"A lot taken," Bridget says, her arms crossed over her chest looking like a tiger ready to prowl.

"Seriously, everyone thinks of cheerers like that. This thing Harley has asked..." Grayson trails off and then he clears his throat. "I mean forced us to do is our ticket to learning that they're an ace in this team, too. I used to think like that but everything changed when I met a certain girl."

I refuse to believe that he's referring to me but I can feel the heaviness on everyone's eyes on my skin, daring me to speak. But I keep my eyes fixed on Grayson Levy.

"Wipe off that drool on your chin, captain. If I knew that wearing your uniform means I get to have your attention, I should've done this a long time ago," he says and I take that as a cue for me to hit on them.

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