Chapter 19 • My Petals To My Roots

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           "I bet you guys are sporting your disappointed faces up there," I say as my head's tilted up to the sky, my eyes squinting with the ray of sunlight that dares to blind me.

           It's been years and after all these times I've spent wallowing into my own misery and changing myself for the worse, this is the only time that I've finally called upon my brothers. Never have I ever talked to them or even purposely acknowledge the fact that they're up there and no longer with me. I do that in my mind. But never spoke of it.

"Enjoy watching me from there?" I add and smirk to myself. "I'm terrible, right? Because after you guys left, suddenly... I am the President of people with tragic and miserable life."

           I shake my head, partly because I think I'm going crazy for talking to them as if they are really listening to my pettiness and also because I'm aware that I put this to myself, I did this to myself.

           It wasn't my brothers who decided to fly back to Chicago when I was having a peaceful life in Colorado. It wasn't my brothers who put that revengeful goal in my head. It wasn't my brothers who's acting them out.

It's me.

And it's all because I'm that girl who just longs to hear her elder brother call her, 'baby sis', or hear her twin brother tell her, 'you're my favorite sister' when she's all they got as a sister and of course, her dad calling her Princess.

"But I'm gonna do it anyway," I square my shoulders in a bratty manner the way I used to do just to annoy the hell out of them.

"Whether you like it or not," I add and suddenly, I have this strong feeling that they're actually listening. My mind can really picture my elder brother furrowing his brows as he thinks of hundreds of possible solutions that could stop me and my twin brother cursing and flipping tables—that's if there's any tables up there for him to flip.

"I miss you..."

And the wind suddenly rustles, caressing my bare arms and sending chills down to my spine. I shiver a bit.

"Uhhhhh, please tell me that wasn't the two of you..." I hesitantly look up as I ask. I'm going crazy.

           The wind blows again and this time, a paper slaps itself to myself, sticking on me. Despite the strong wind, I manage to pull it away and have a look on it. It's a poster of our team with our mascot saying, 'We're in this together'.

           Damn, twin brother... if this ain't you.

           I'm not afraid. Why would I be when even the littlest and the most impossible moment that I could get from my brothers is actually happening?

           I'm in the middle of imagining them shouting at me to fly back to Colorado and leave whatever devious plan I have in mind when my phone suddenly rings.

           I fish it out of my pocket. And oh, look...

           The devil of freaking Colorado.

           "Mom..." I answer the call. We always argue about the way I answer her calls. I used to just press the accept button and wait for her to talk rather than initiating and greeting her. She hates it. That's why I resorted into just saying Mom.

           "Harley Katherin Gold!" she starts, her voice reminding me of Molly Weasley.

           I slowly close my eyes in frustration and whisper to my brothers that this isn't funny. "Lesley Monica Gold," I retort and I bet the she-devil is scowling at me for calling her that way.

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