Chapter Eight.

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I woke up and my worst dream had come to life. Being snowed in. The snow was up to the bottom of my window, which meant the door would be snowed in definitely. I hope everyone was inside, not that they could get out anyway. I sat up in my bed and groaned, I was hoping to go out today.

I walked to the lounge room and Dad was on the phone panicking.

‘What are we going to do?’

‘The boys can’t get out of the house. What are the shops like?’

‘Well someone needs to tell them because there is no way the boys can leave, schedule it for another day’

He hung up the phone then saw me

‘Oh hey chum’

‘Hey dad, what was that all about?’

‘The boys are meant to have a signing but can’t leave so the girls that are waiting are going to have to leave; the boys are tweeting about it as well’

‘Stupid snow’

We were all deciding what we could do today, Niall came in with food followed by Louis who had heaps, and I mean heaps of board games.

‘So which one do you wanna play first?’ Louis asked ‘Let’s do a vote’

Louis held up the first board game, operation. No one put their hands up. Monopoly, no one put their hands up. Scrabble, Harry, Louis, Zayn and Niall put their hands up. So we decided to play that.

Halfway through the game Niall put down a word which none of us knew.

‘Niall, what is BNE?’ I asked

‘Like as in Brisbane, it’s short for Brisbane’

We just rolled out eyes and continued playing, it was just Louis and I left playing. I put down ‘Queen’ and then Louis gave up.

‘I won, I won, I won, I won, I won, I won, I won.’ I cheered

I finally won something against them. Since I won they all had to make me lunch, they made me pie and chips.

‘We are making the pie from scratch’ Niall said

‘Uh-Oh’ I laughed

As soon as opened the flour, it was everywhere. I was watching as the boys threw flour at each other. I then realised Niall was missing. Next thing I know, I was covered in flour, I turned around to see Niall laughing at me. We were all sitting on the floor laughing, covered in flour when dad walked in.

‘Better clean this off now, so Leyna can have her lunch and then we can do something fun’

‘What are we going to do Uncle Paul?’ Niall asked in a baby voice

‘You will just have to wait and see’ he grinned walking off

I walked up and showered to get all the flour off me, once I came down lunch was served. While I ate it, the boys went to have their own showers and then joined me in the lounge room. Liam was talking to Paul as they walked in.

‘Leyna, let’s go out. The snow has somewhat melted’ Liam said

‘But we were going to have fun’ I pouted

‘We can, just not the fun they are going to have’ he laughed

We hopped in the car and we were off to the movies, we decided to watch Magic Mike. Once the movie finished we went home and all the boys were covered in paint.

‘What the heck happened to you lot?’ I asked

‘Uh, um, well, uh, follow me’ Louis said smiling

I looked at Liam and he smiled at me, something was going on. I was led to the spare room which was next to my room and across from Liam’s room and I saw Dad and Niall standing outside with the door shut. They opened the door and I walked in and saw the walls painted baby blue, it had stickers on it with cute animals, pooh bear, and cartoons. There was a crib in one corner and a change table in another. There was photo frames also on the room which would be filled eventually. It was beautiful.

‘Youse made a nursery?’ I was so happy

‘Surprise!’ they all cheered

I couldn’t stop smiling even if I tried. I hugged all of them and then we walked out into the lounge room. They boys went and showered for the second time in a row to get the paint off; their bathroom floors must be a mix between flour and paint.


Three months later and I wasn’t really showing but everyone knew I was pregnant. The press and fans thought immediately it was Liam’s, well it was just not really. They don’t need to know that though. We had received heaps of congratulations cards and ‘Congratulations Leyna and Liam’ was trending on twitter for about a week.

I went to go have a shower and I undressed and I saw blood, that wasn’t normal. I panicked and took another pregnancy test. I waited and waited and it was negative. How could this be? I turned off the shower, ran downstairs, told Liam and we went to the doctor.

‘I am so sorry Ms Higgins, but you have lost the baby’ the doctor said ‘I will let you have time alone’

I grabbed Liam’s hand and cried. Possibly my only chance to have a baby and I lost it. We left the doctors and went home and told everyone. I was still crying and everyone came around hugging me. I was so sad. I had just lost the baby, it may sound weird but, I was excited to raise this baby with Liam and I was scared he is going to leave me now because I even told him after this I won’t want any more kids because of my experience.

He was excited as well, about having a family and now I can’t give that to him. I get scared. He asks me if after this one I will ever try again and I shake my head because I am too scared to go through that. I would think of what happened with Darren, then I would freak out, I just couldn’t do it.

Liam had every reason to leave me right now, I would understand.

I ran up to my room and cried, I was still in a separate room to Liam but some night I sleep with him in his room or he comes to my room.

Liam came in and hugged me.

‘It’s okay’ he said

‘You probably don’t want to be with me anymore because I am too scared to have more kids. You have every reason to leave me, so why don’t you?’

‘Leyna, I am not going to leave you. I will stay with you through this, nothing will ever change that. Even if we don’t have a family I will be here, we can always adopt a child if you want. We can do anything, I will still be here. I am not leaving’


‘Really, I love you’

‘I love you too’ I smiled and kissed him ‘and I am willing to try again with you’

‘Are you sure? You don’t have too’

‘I am sure’

That night everyone went out so we tried again, I got scared but I got their eventually. All I know now is that I love Liam James Payne and I can’t wait to start a family with him.


‘Good news everyone’ I said happily ‘I am pregnant again’

Everyone cheered

‘This time it is Liam’s’ I smiled

I was excited and I wasn’t scared anymore.

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