Chapter 8: The moondrop?

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Rapunzel's POV:

After her conversation with Mother Gothel, Rapunzel woke up in one of the beds of the caravan.
"It's Varian!" She screamed as her body shot up in a sitting position.
Eugene, who was currently sleeping in one chair next to the princesses bed, woke up startled and fell to the floor. "What the...?"
"There's no time to lose, Eugene" Rapunzel said while getting up from the bed and pulling at her boyfriends arm.
"Whoa, calm down, blondie" he yawned "You just woke up"
"Yeah, you fainted after touching that cristal" Cassandra added as she entered the room. "You've been out for three hours"
"But I was talking to her!" she replied annoyed.
"To whom?"
"Mother Gothel!" Rapunzel answered with a shudder.
Both Cassandra and Eugene gasped.
Her boyfriend got up and took her by the hand.
"You mean as in locking you in a tower, using your hair for staying young and almost killing a very handsome thief... that Mother Gothel?"
Rapunzel nodded somberly.
"But I thought you both said she was dead" Cassandra replied.
The princess looked at her lady-in-waiting. "And she is dead..."
Eugene sighed in relief.
"but... she also told me something about coming back to life"
Her two friends stared at her as if her hair had just turned purple.
"She can't do that, right?" Eugene asked uncertainly.
Rapunzel put a hand in her chin, thinking.
"I don't know... she sounded pretty sure she could, once me and Varian meet..."
"Wait" Cassandra interrupted her, raising her hands "What does Varian have to do with this?"
Rapunzel sigued, suddenly very interested in looking at her feet.
"Rapunzel...?" Cassandra raised and eyebrow and crossed her arms.
"He... he is the moondrop" she mumbled.
"WHAT!?" Eugene and Cassandra exclaimed.
Adira's head appeared from behind the door, as startled as the three friends there.
"Talking about weirdos..." Cassandra murmured to herself.
"If that's true, then we should head back to Corona" the tall warrior said trying to hide her fear. "God knows what would happen if his power awakens..."
Eugene stepped forward, holding his hand in a time out gesture.
"Wait a moment, if Varian is the moondrop..."
"Which he is" Rapunzel interrumped.
"...then, shouldn't his hair be like blondie's?" he said scratching his head "I mean, he didn't even react to the dark rocks"
"He has a blue streak" Rapunzel pointed out. She was starting to get annoyed that everyone questioned whether her dreams where just dreams. Hadn't she predicted that the moondrop wouldn't be in the Dark Kingdom?
Cassandra shrugged. "I always thought he just dyed it"
"Maybe not" the princess said with excitement "maybe his father cut his hair and left that blue streak behind"
"So, you're basically saying he has blue hair" Eugene summed up "Wow, that's even weirder than your blond hair"
Adira just stared at them, switching her eyes to the person that was talking like she was watching a tennis game.
"But if his father cut his hair, then it means he lost all his powers" Cassandra added, looking at Rapunzel.
Rapunzel bit her lip. "Yeah, but my hair grew back when I touched the black rocks... maybe there's some way of getting his powers back too?"
"Rapunzel it's the opposite of the black rocks, it  is possible that she can be the one to return his hair blue!" Eugene said while putting a hand on Rapunzel's shoulder.
"You can't do that!" Adira suddenly exclaimed in alarm. She locked eyes with the princess. "Rapunzel, whatever you do, never return his powers, you've seen what the opal did at the Dark Kingdom, just imagine what destruction Varian could cause in Corona!"
Rapunzel run her hands through her hair. "I am aware of that" she nodded. "I think that's what Mother Gothel wants too, so... don't worry, it won't happen" the princess decided firmly.
Adira's eyes darkened. "That isn't enough for me" she extended a hand "You must promise me that under any circumstance you'll restore Varian's powers"
Rapunzel looked at the hand of the warrior, her thoughts drifting to the last time she broke a promise.
Finally, the princess took her hand and shook it.
After letting her hand go, Adira sighed in relief.  "Quirin's plan might have been risky... but I have to admit it was pretty smart, with his hair cut there won't be any other massive spread of those rocks"
"But we still have to get back to Corona" Cassandra remembered her.
Rapunzel nodded.
They would get to the bottom of this.

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