Chapter 22: Gravity

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Eugene's POV:

Eugene couldn't possibly describe just how anxious he felt about leaving Rapunzel and Varian to handle the situation.
He was pacing back and forth at the edge of the crater, pausing from time to time to see what was going on, only to be met by sharp rocks and a feeling that something was going to happen.
Cassandra was talking with her father about possible strategies, the king listening intently while trying to hide his concern. 
And Adira, well, she simply stood there serenely, squinting her eyes and holding her black sword.
Ugh, if there was something he hated, that was waiting. And he had been waiting to rescue his girlfriend for two freaking days.
"Please, let blondie be okay" Eugene murmured.
"And Varian" Adira added.
Eugene turned around, bemused. Adira cared about Varian? That was new.
"Uh, yeah, him too" he said while rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.
Eugene then thought he had seen a flicker of emotion in her face, anger. But it only lasted one second, as her scowl was immediately replaced with indifference.
However, the king, who had heard and seen this, didn't seem as ready to drop the topic.
"But you must agree" he said, facing Adira, who was two feet taller than the monarch "that Rapunzel's safety is far more important than Varian's"
Eugene watched as Adira's grip tightened on the swords handle, making her knuckles turn white.
"As a former soldier of the Dark Kingdom, my duty is to defend the king and his subjects" the warrior responded, her face emotionless whatsoever "and as Varian was born in the capital, that includes him"
The king arched an eyebrow.
Both the captain and Cassandra, as well as all the soldiers standing there, where staring at them.
"What is that supposed to mean? You are saying that brat's life is more valuable than the princess's?" King Frederic scowled.
Cassandra shared a troubled look with Eugene. Someone had to stop this before it ended in a direct confrontation from Adira. They both knew the painted woman well enough to know that the fact that Frederic was the king wouldn't be an obstacle for her if she was really pissed off.
Adira clenched her teeth.
"I'm saying that Varian is my comrade's son, and I strongly believe that every life has the same value despite the title they are born with"
At this, the king turned red.
Oh no, things are sure to get messy if someone doesn't intervene, Eugene thought.
And of course it had to be him the one to jump between a weirdo with a seven-feet-tall unbreakable sword and Corona's king.
Just great.
"Okay, lets calm down" he said, making a 'time out' sign with his hands "your majesty" Eugene added in response to the king's glare.
Cassandra face-palmed.
"I was just trying to confirm this soldier's loyalty" king Frederic snarled "which is obviously on the boy that tried to destroy my kingdom rather than it's savior."
Eugene shifted uncomfortably, there was really nothing he could say about that.
Even though Adira didn't felt the same way:
"You mean the boy whom Rapunzel abandoned? The same boy who lost his father, reputation and freedom at almost the same time? The one you threw in a prison cell. For goodness sake he's just a fourteen-year-old!"
At this point both Adira and the king were trembling with anger while gripping their weapons.
Uh-oh, are they really going to start fighting NOW? Eugene thought.
The king opened his mouth, probably to order his guards the immediate arrest and incarceration of Adira as a traitor (not that any of those guys would be able to lay a finger on her), but just then, Cassandra stepped between the monarch and Adira.
The lady-in-waiting gave both of them a fulminating glare, making clear just how mad she was.
Eugene involuntarily cringed. Sometimes, Cassandra could be damn scary.
"Are you serious?" she bellowed, causing several of the guards who knew her flinch, including her father "We're battling against probably the most powerful enemy Corona has ever faced, counting on both Rapunzel and Varian's strengths, and you're going to start discussing over something as irrelevant as who is right?" Cassandra took a calming breath. The king and Adira looked at the ground in embarrassment, not happy at all about being lectured. "Look, we won't be able to help those two if we just stand here fighting each other. It's true, Varian did try to destroy Corona on his own free will" Adira scoffed, the king looking pleased with himself "but it was kind of justified, as Rapunzel also committed a grave mistake when she ignored him in a desperate moment, which was also justified as she was able to save Corona from that blizzard" the lady-in-waiting sighed, the king furrowed his brow and Adira smirked "The point is, you both are right in your own way... but none of that will matter if Corona is destroyed"
The captain, Cassandra's father, nodded. He placed a hand on her shoulder, the corner of his mouth curling up slightly (which was the captain's equivalent to a huge, proud grin).
He looked at the king, his gaze intend and determined.
"My daughter is right, your majesty" he said "right now, our priority must be Corona, regardless of the fact that Varian is still considered a wanted criminal"
Frederic bored straight into his eyes, still a glint of fury in them. But then, he nodded. The king followed the captain towards the strategists tent, stopping halfway to say one last thing to Adira.
"Keep this in mind" the king growled "Varian is and will keep being a criminal and prisoner of Corona for as long as I say"
And with that last cheerful statement, the king disappeared within the rows of guards and soldiers.
Adira clenched her fists, Eugene had never seen her this angry. Did she even know Varian? Why did she care so much for a stranger?
The warrior raised her sword and with not a single word (hey, that rhymes), she walked away fuming, leaving poor Eugene utterly confused.
He turned to Cassandra, standing two meters away from him. She frowned at the soldiers, who where whispering at each other about the recent events. It only took one look (I swear, this was not intended) to silence all of them.
Well, at least I'm not the only one afraid of her, he thought.
"What was all that about?" Eugene asked "Why is Adira so concerned about Varian?"
The lady-in-waiting shook her head.
"You really are hopeless" she stated, walking away towards the edge of the cliff.
Eugene scoffed, following her.
"Why's that?" he frowned, gazing at the black rocks intently.
Cassandra sighed.
"Quirin and Adira where friends, comrades, the last survivors of the Dark Kingdom's catastrophe, they shared a unique bond" she paused "now Quirin is gone for good, and Varian not only is his son, but a child from the same place as her... you get were I'm going?"
Eugene nodded.
"You mean she will defend him even though she doesn't know him and he kinda tried to destroy Corona, right?"
Eugene crossed his arms, his gaze landing on a formation of black rocks that looked like a dome.
He thought about the way Adira had reacted, how she had wanted to protect the kid, even from the king...
Varian sure is lucky to have her on his side, he thought.
His thoughts drifted to Rapunzel, as always. She was also on Varian's side, he realized, she had put her life on the line for him. She had been the one who insisted to the king to give Varian the help he needed. And most importantly, Rapunzel had always believed that the little psychopath could eventually change...
"Hey! Did you see that?" Cassandra elbowed him, pointing frantically at the point where he had been blankly staring at.
Eugene's eyes widened.
"Is that... who I think it is?"
The black rocks that had previously been tightly shut on a dome-like formation where now parted and shining a bright white, revealing... no, it couldn't be.
Cassandra's mouth hang open.
But the blonde hair was unmistakable, her golden locks levitating softly in the air. Wearing the beautiful smile he had fallen in love with, her green eyes shining with determination and... happiness?
And next to her stood a young boy, his hair floating and glowing in a icy-blue color. He wasn't wearing his signature gloves or apron, not even an evil grin. In fact, he was also smiling and holding Rapunzel's hand, while the other hand gripped a black rock in the same position as Rapunzel.
"So... I guess you were right about the blue hair" Cassandra said.
Eugene had time to blink twice before the battle really begun.

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