Chapter One- Three Years later

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Video ain't mine...

Claire's POV

The world had been saved. The threat of the Nitro X virus had been erasesd along with the men who had the intention of unleashing its wrath.

Cruel men who wanted nothing but death and immortality...death of the weak and the immortality of the strong. 

Death and immortality at the cost of millions. The cost of millions who had no say in the release of the virus.

Families had been saved, families have been spared from the wrath the virus intended to bring. Familes had been saved at the cost of my very own family.

My son had been stripped away from my life completely, three years passing as I got nothing but voice mails whenever I called.

By calls I was not referring to Leon only. I meant any and everyone that was supposed to be my close friends and my family.

Jill didn't answer my calls, Chris didn't answer my calls and Leon, I had a strange feeling he threw the whole phone away. I'm pretty sure as soon as the name 'Claire' flashed across the screen Leon dumped the phone.

Not that I blamed Leon. Leon had each and every right to close the door on me.

Even if it hurt. Even if I could no longer see my son, sadly I deserve everything Leon gave.

Such a pity Junior had to be the price.

His father, the man I once condidered a very good friend and a lover had taken the one thing that meant the world to me.

My son.

I sobbed, my hands making contact with my face as my tears pooled. Crying had become a routine as I did it almost each and everyday.

Majority of my days and nights were spent in flashbacks. Flashbacks which lead me to a huge breakdown as I just may never see my son again.

All because I was a fool. I gave Leon the benifit of the doubt and in the same breath that was the levage he needed to gain full costidy of my son.

Our son.

Why was fate so cruel to me? What on earth could I have done to deserve this?

Why did it cost so much to do a good deed? At this point I really wondered if the world was actually worth saving.

Was the world more important than my only son?

No, that statement was something to disagree with, my son was my world. A world I was no longer apart of.

"I'm so sorry Junior" I mumbled as I stared at the ceiling, a tissue being swiped under my eyes that had been running like a river for the past eight hours.

Hours that should have been spent sleeping so that I could be fully equipped for my seven to two shift. I sat up, trying to rid my eyes of acidic tears so that I could appear semi decent.

"I've failed you" I mumbled as I ran my fingers through my red hair, hair that had not been taken care of for the past three years.

Fuck...I can't even the tell the last time I washed my hair properly.

Excessive banging had me jolting from my position on the sofa, my gun in my hand immediately.

Heck, I almost shot  myself with the darn thing.

"Hey Claire, mind if I borrow your flat iron?" came the voice of the woman who lived in the room across from my own.

Kimberly Campbell.

The woman who never had a dull day because she ensured that each and everyday was a bright one. She knew how to smile when there was really nothing to smile about.

I tossed the tissue aside immediately, Kimberly entering even though my door was locked like she always did.

How she the hell did she get in? I had no idea but it really would be useful if she chose to share the secret. I just may need it to kidnap my very own son anyways.

"Well fuck...what happened to you?" She asked And I didn't need a mirror to know that I looked like a monster. I could feel it in my eyes.

The were swollen and red.

"Its the flu" I lied but being that I had known this girl for two years now she knew I was lying.

She definitely knew I was lying.

She sat next to me with the flat iron rested in her palm. She took a deep breath.

"Its your son again isn't it?" She asked and I wish I could lie. I wished I could lie to myself about each and everything.

"Has it ever been anything else?" I asked on a broken voice. The closest I ever got to seeing my son was in my dreams.

Dreams that were rare as I had become accustomed to going nights upon nights without sleep. In the end all I could wish for was that this was all a bad dream I would wake from soon.

The sad truth was it was not a dream. This was no dream that I would wake from soon because I was already awake.

I was living in a harsh reality.

"Hey,'ll see him again Claire...he can't keep him hidden forever" she comfortable me.

Heck, if only she knew who Leon was. His job gave him the right to just about anything.

"He's three years old and I haven't even spent those birthdays with him Kim...I have no idea where my son is and I have no idea what he looks like" I sobbed heavily, Kim patting my back gently.


"I'll never take him to school or tie his shoelace...I will never see him again Kim..." I cried Kimberly rocking me slowly.

"Hey, it's okay" she told me softly, slender fingers brushing my hair.

To say that I had become a complete mess for the past three years would be an intense understatement. I was loosing my mind at a reasonable pace.

"Get yourself cleaned up...we'll discuss this after work...drinks on me" she stated as I dried my eyes.

"Kim you really don't need to do that" I stated and she fanned me off lightly.

"Yeah I sorta do...Claire when is the last time you got out and have fun...real fun?" Kimasked and I didn't need to vocalize and answer. My silence said it all.

"That's it...we are definitely hitting a pub after work" Kimberly told me or better yet denanded of me and all I could do was stare.

First Chapter up guys...I would love to hear those comments guys :0

She you all soon...very soon ;)

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