Chapter Twenty- The alphabet

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Wesker's POV

A man could suffer in many ways but as for this, this was unbearable. Not only was I of no fucking use but I couldn't even give a solid opinion because I had no voice to do so.

Discomfort and pain, that's all I could feel in this bed made of rocks. It mattered not where I positioned my body because my spinal cord was on fire.

The type of fire that one could not put to an end. I growled, my head against the pillow as I stared at the ceiling above me.

For some reason I envied the damn ceiling. Why?

Well the ceiling had a purpose, a destiny to fulfil. As for I, I had absolutely no purpose or a destiny to fulfil as I was a dead man trying to live.

Again? Why did Alex and companion see my existence as critical importance?

I was fucking useless in such a state.

"Do not worry brother, Claire will be here soon to teach you to write again" Alex stated as she adjusted the drip that was giving my body very important fluids.

Worry? Why would I waste important time and efforts in worrying about the red head?

They spoke of her as if my life depended on her. As if, I was better off in death.

"Everything is going to be just fine brother" she promised and while she had such strong faith I didn't.

I stared at her, while her face displayed enthusiasm my face didn't. I was being treated like an invalid toddler and she expected me to wear a pleasant face.

That sounded like superior bullshit to me.

In time I'm pretty sure I was capable of learning all this on my own. The red head was as useless as the US government at this point.

Her helping me was absolutely irrelevant.

Alex gave a weary smile as a shadow approached, her amber eyes falling on her watch for a moment. She smiled in approval.

"Well would you look at that here sh...they come?" Alex stated in a confused tone as three figure as opposed to one entered the room.

The red head and another female alongside the one called Jack. Alex simply blinked, Jack and her making eye contact.

Alex and I stared at each other for a while before our eyes fell on the figures before us. Distinctly the strange figure which would be the additional female.

"Who's this?" Alex asked only for the female to eye her in distaste. She was about to answer Alex's query but Claire thought it would be wise to cover her mouth instead.

"Claire would not leave without it, the two apparently have a strong bond after living in that dump together" Jack stated and both women mentioned turned to glare daggers at him immediately.

"Dump?!!!" Both women yelled and the one called Jack gave a heavy sigh before speaking.

"It?" The strange female added upon realization of what he had called her, Alex trying not to smile.

"Anything that harbours rodents and garbage is defined as a dump ladies " he hissed only for the pair's eyes to widen.

"Could you at least say that behind our backs asshole?" The female I was not quite familiar with yelled and Claire crossed her arms.

"Then again if he works for this man then we should expect nothing less if him" Claire stated as she eyed me in disregard, a finger pointed in my direction.

I eyed the finger, wishing I had enough strength to break it. Seeing that Claire pulled her finger to her chest, the female next to her chuckling.

"Well now that you are here, I guess we will leave you two alone then" Alex stated and my eyes found the camera above us.

By alone she meant alone in Claire's head because this room was completely wired. Let's just say I was not the only one who didn't trust the red head.

The moment the door closed Claire turned the TV on, her ass now planted on my bed. I eyed the woman, if only I had the strength.

"Goodnight Wesker" she stated and even if I could answer her I wouldn't. With that said I simply kept my gaze on the TV as she skipped through the channels.

"Look I know we got off on the wrong foot but let's make amends" she stated with a smile and I gave her a wicked one.

Seeing this her smile fell immediately, the red head now staring at me with wide blue eyes. Did I not make it clear enough that I did not like her?

She simply cleared her throat, the TV now on a fix station.

"Something says you hold this vendetta because you fail to remember" she stated as her voice broke and I simply cocked a brow.

Remember what exactly?

"Being that you are unable to speak in order for us to communicate it would be excellent if you could at least writ how you feel" she stated softly.

Well splendid, it will be quite interested to write 'fuck you' for the very first time.

"Let's start with the alphabet shall we?" She stated and I simply chocked a brow.

Could this get anymore embarrassing?

Claire smiled as she pointed at the screen. The letter 'A' was projected clearly.

"Oh would you look at that? 'A'...'A' for Albert" she stated with puffy cheeks due to her intense smile.

Oh would you look at the window in the distance? How nice would it be to toss her through it while it remained close?

I did what I had the strength to do however, I simply grabbed a pillow and buried my face into it.

How cute :) Isn't Wesker cute like this?

Well that's true until he returns. Join me in the next update towards the tyrant's return :)

Vote and comment please :)

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