Chapter Twenty Seven- A nasty Surprise

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Claire and Chris 👆👆👆

Claire's POV

"You found the keys?" I asked the moment he entered my bedroom. My head was still in swirl but I could function.

Let's just say Miguel being there at the right moment was what helped me. I gave Miguel a soft smile.

He showed me the keys, a smirk tugging my lips. Ah, so he did find them.

"Pity, was looking forward for you to stay here and keep me company" I teased as he shoved his keys to his pockets.

"Sorry to disappoint Redfield but duty calls" he stated as he rubbed my hair, a light kiss being placed to my forehead.

"Catch you later" I told him as I now stood, a bottle of water making contact with my dry lips. Miguel glared at me, his brow arched.

"Shouldn't you be resting?" He asked and I placed the bottle down, my fist on my hips.

"I need to see how he's doing" I told him and he cocked a brow. Honestly if I were Miguel I would arched my brow too.

Somehow I was still in pain and my greatest concern was a tyrant. I failed to understand why with all that this man is, how can I still care for him?

"He was doing just fine the last time I saw him Claire" Miguel stated and I rolled my eyes.

"He's under my care Santos, I'm just checking on him, that's it" I stated as I placed my cell to my back pocket, Miguel shaking his head at my statement.

Again I'd pity me too.

"He's a grown man Claire" he stated as we left the room, me closing the door behind us.

"I'm just going to see if he's okay Santos because to be quite honest Ada don't give two fucks" I informed him as we entered Wesker's bed room, Santos following after me.

"Where is he?" Santos whispered and my eyes fell on Wesker's empty bed, Ada sleeping on a chair next to it.

A perfect demonstration of Ada not giving two fucks. The bed was empty and I highly doubt Ada knew were Wesker was

I placed my finger to my lips, Miguel nodding in agreement. I had a really bad feeling about this.

Wesker could be his own recipe for trouble.

"Can he move around by himself?" Miguel whispered, his gun removed immediately.

"No, he's immobile and he's also unable to speak. That's why I'm so worried" I whispered, my antennas up in case there is any form of movement.

With that said I tip toed in search of Wesker. The last time I checked Wesker was imobile, where the hell could possibly be?

Even if he crawled he surely couldn't have gotten far.

The bathroom door was ajar, the lights on as the tap dripped slowly. I arched a brow, being that the wheelchair was in his bedroom, how the hell did he get in here?

I took steps closer, the door closing the moment I entered, my body slammed to the wall. Heck, I think I broke my nose.

I gasped, my cheek burning due to the pressure the wall supplied. My shrugs were useless as the person behind me was much stronger than I could ever be.

"Wesker?" I mumbled, me being flipped forward to look into dull blue eyes. He eyed me in distaste and likewise I did the same.

The audacity of this man!

He had a finger on his lips, my eyes shifting because the man before me was standing. Strong and firm as I remembered him years before this mess.

The man who was deemed crippled for life was actually standing before me. I stared wildly, the finger leaving his lips to make contact with my own.

His way of telling me to be quiet. Something he seemed to do quite often.

I relaxed, Wesker's face strict as usual as the pressure between us died, the door closed. He then gestured to his ears, the odd silence greeting my ears.

Strange? Shouldn't Miguel be checking up on me by now?

I was just about to open the door when I heard talking, my hand frozen in mid air. Wesker eyed me, his gaze fixed on the door moments after.

"What are you still doing here?" Ada asked, more like a whisper yell but the question was issued either way.

"Where is Wesker?" Miguel replied, Wesker and I eyeing each other.

Oh shit.

"I... I don't know ...he was here before..." The moment Ada trailed off I looked to Wesker.

"They'll be in here any moment you'll have to let them see how you got in here" I hissed, Wesker shaking his head in disagreement.

No. What the hell did he mean by no?

"Wesker we don't have a choice it's a matter of time before..." and before I could finish the door opened, Wesker resting in my arms with his eyes closed.

My mouth fell, if I thought this man was unbelievable before I was so wrong. This man was beyond unbelievable!

His wieght pulled me downwards, my knees rocking from left to right as my back dislocate. Heck, my bladder was dying to be emptied all of a sudden.

If he thought I was going to lift his ass bridal style he made a grave mistake. I gritted my teeth neatly.

Ada eyed Wesker and I, Miguel doing the same and boy was Wesker good at acting because he was as stiff as a board. I moistened my lips, my gaze falling on the man in my arms.

I cleared my throat before speaking.

"I found him like this...based on the way he was positioned our friend here needed an urgent piss and crawled his way out of bed. Let's just say his body could not manage the pressure" I groaned, Miguel assisting me with Wesker's dead wieght.

"A typical Wesker move" Ada remarked as she opened the door for us, Miguel and I stumbling into the bed room.

"Fuck, this guy is heavy" Miguel groaned and I adjusted a bit, lifting Wesker a bit higher.

"All the weight your feeling is coming from his head" I stated, only for Wesker's hidden hand to pinch the fuck out of me.

I didn't yell however, I just made a pained face and released his dead weight. Ada covered her mouth, me opening my eyes widely.

"Oh my God I'm so sorry...if he wasn't so darn heavy it would be easier." I stated as I pulled Wesker's dead frame from the floor, Miguel assisting me every step of the way.

I smiled internally, well that's what you get for forcing me to keep your dirty secret Wesker.

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