Chapter Twenty Six- Our Words

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Albert's POV

When you are trapped in a room, keeping track of the time seemed almost impossible. Day resembled night and night resembled day.

There was nothing significant because the windows were always closed. Fresh air was only given when my 'caretakers' felt I needed it.

That, well that was close to never. I was in my very own prison, the only difference was that this prison had no grills nor did I wear the orange suit, instead I wore full black.

Besides that everything else was pretty much the same.

The door opened, a familiar Asain woman making her entry and to be quite honest my eyes never left her thighs. With this woman even being at home was a fashion statement.

The garment she whore could go against any cocktail dress out there. Ada would do just about everything in heels, heels that suited her long legs well.

Why is it her thighs are always on display? Did she do these things to tempt the male species?

"Good morning to you too and my face is up here Wesker" she hissed as she pointed at her face, my eyes now flicking to that direction.

I simply nodded, my eyes shifting direction completely as I removed a book from the shelf close by. 101 Science it read, my brows now arched.

Well this should be rather interesting I thought while scanning the book I held. What I was unaware of there was going to be something far more interesting within a few seconds.

Two figures stumbled into the room, those figures being that of a man and an unconscious Claire Redfield. While Claire had a reason for being here that man had none.

Redfield led him here for reasons beyond our knowledge.

Ada and I looked at each other, Ada turning to stare at the male that was now on his knees with the redhead. Claire was breathing but the rate at which she breath was a cause for concern.

While I studied the red head Ada studied the male. He remained unaware however, Claire's current condition being of greater importance to him.

The look in her eyes said everything. She knew him and seeing him here was the last thing she expected.

Interesting indeed. If Ada was so shocked to see this guy did I get it wrong that Ada and I had an affair to begin with?

I really needed my memories back and fast.

"Get help!" Was all the male yelled, Ada staring wildly as though she went deaf. Grau eyes lifted, the guy showing that he wasn't fond of Ada's new found stiffness.

Funny, I agreed because Ada's stiff frame had me questioning if she was still among the living.

"Ada!" He yelled and she jerked, Ada finally heading out to get the help the red head needed.

I stared at the fellow, his eyes fixed to the female resting in his arms. Who was this man?

How the hell did he know Ada's name? Something didn't connect because Ada was never a woman to show emotions.

This guy had a tab on her.

"Hold on Redfield, just hang in there" he stated softly as he craddled her, Claire resembling a doll in her current stage.

I was eager to hurl.

Ada returned with Alex and Jack, Jack assisting the fellow with Claire's dead weight.

"What happened?" Jack asked as he raised Claire's lower half.

"Let me introduce myself first, I'm Miguel Santos. Met Claire before she chose to come here, infact I learnt of her relocation earlier. When I found her she was in no condition to drive, something is bothering her" Miguel stated firmly, Alex making a small notation.

"Something triggered this... she's stressing because of something" Alex corrected.

"Knowing her she won't even give us a hint as to what it is" Jack mumbled.

Alex simply looked at Ada.

"Yes Queen Wesker, I'm watching him" Ada stated with an eye roll. I bared my teeth, she said that as though I was a three year old.

Fuck, the way she said that even a three year old would take offense. All but Ada left the room, Ada taking a seat next to my bed while I read the book rested on my lap.


After about ten chapters I had placed the book aside as pillows supported me while I laid on my back. Bed sore was the last thing I needed so I tend to change poistions quite often.

The fact that Ada chose to read all of a sudden the light intensity burnt my eyes. It was as though I was strucked with a harsh acid.

Did she not know how much light bothered me?

If it wasn't for the shades on my face I would be on the verge of ripping my eyes from their place in my skull. Strange because when I just woke from my coma my eyes were never like that.

As for Ada, she blindly assumed that what had happened was that I fell into slumber. She rolled her eyes, skipping a page of her novel.

"If they found me in a stage like yours death would be so much greater" Ada stated and I didn't move. She thought I was sleeping?

Well then let's grant her that wish. May her speech continue.

"It was Alex's bright idea to bring you back just to haunt each and everyone of us. Claire is the one suffering mostly. You don't deserve her" she stated and I glanced downwards.

Personally I don't remember requesting Redfield.

"If she was a bitch like me then she would deserve to be here caring for your savage ass. She's a good woman but something tells me you'll find that out far too late" she stated and I kept silent, the door opening softly.

It was Miguel, his gaze scanning the floor as he pat his pockets gently.

"How is she?" Ada asked as she placed the book down, Miguel's eyes not meeting hers.

"She's fine, it was stress indeed" he replied as he continued to search for whatever was lost.

"Did she say what was bothering her?" Ada asked as Santos paced the room.

"No, she didn't" he stated and Ada simply shook a bunch of keys. As opposed to looking at her he kept his gaze fixed to his shoes, his hand outstretched.

Well then, someone couldn't take a hint. Did Ada not see that he wishes not to converse with her?

"Why won't you look at me?" Ada asked and for the first time since he got into the room he looked at her.

Instead of a reply he simply took the keys and left the room. It was in that moment I saw that Ada was really a woman.

She cried herself to sleep on the chair next to my bed.

Well, well, well. What's your veiw on Ada and Miguel (my character)?

Vote and comment guys ;) See you all soon :)

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