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Azure waters sparkled beneath the sunlight as Kenadie briefly looked over the ocean before slipping on her fins. Somehow, Sebastian had managed to convince her to go scuba diving and they were now on the dock of a boat waiting to begin their session.

She held up her swimming cap, stretching the rubber material so it could fit over her hair smoothly. She looked down at her feet and hopped around, amused by the weight of her fins.

"I can't believe you've actually convinced me to do this," she looked at Sebastian as he slipped on fins of his own.

"One thing you should know about me, I'm a master of persuasion," he grinned.

"No, you're just lucky you're cute."

His cheeks reddened.

"I am a grown man I'm not cute."

She waddled over to him and squeezed his face with her hand. "Keep telling yourself that."

Kenadie's eyes roamed from Sebastian's face to his body. The wetsuit he wore clung to him like a second skin, highlighting his great physique.

"You're ogling me again," he simpered.

"Yeah well get used to it, 'cause it's foreveeer," she whispered the last word as she waved her ring finger in his face.

Their little moment was cut short when their diving instructor, Aamir, stepped forward with the rest of the diving equipment they would need. He had deep brown skin and a fresh face which made Kenadie wonder just how much experience he had as a diving instructor. But the last thing she was going to do was question him.

Moments later, all three of them were fully suited up. Kenadie swayed in place, adjusting to the weight of the tank strapped to her back along with all the other tech stuff Aamir strapped to her. She was in no mental condition to focus on anything he was saying, her heart pounding loudly at the thought that soon she'd be completely under water. She could practically sweat through her wetsuit.

"Also remember, keep your breathing regular," Aamir said.

From underneath, she could see Sebastian nodding at the instructions like he completely understood.

The water temperature was expected to be a little low, which meant they wouldn't be able to see that many fish. But they wouldn't have a chance to do this any other time, so Sebastian signed them up.

They stood on the edge of the deck, ready to make their descent when Aamir decided to look over all their equipment one last time; the tanks, the regulators, the weights, if they were strapped on properly. Kenadie noticed the young man's fingers tremble slightly but again she chose not to think much about it.

At the count of three, they were diving into the water. Her heartbeat accelerated more and more the lower they went. First she could barely see anything as the water bubbled over her mask as though she was walking through a wave then it all went calm, the only thing interrupting the calmness of the water being their body movements.

The deep blue of the ocean felt more spectacular seen from below, rays of sunlight pouring in from above in a sight that was probably the best she'd ever seen.

Aamir and Sebastian swam a few feet ahead of her, all of them staying apart to avoid knocking into one another.

The lower they got the clearer the coral below got. The yellows and greens of the textured surface blended into each other. Small fish emerged and disappeared into the holes in the reef, going about their daily lives and they were just blessed enough to watch.

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