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After the emotional roller coaster of watching the series premiere with their family and friends, Kenadie wanted nothing more than to put it all behind her and put a positive outlook on everything. What better way to put herself in a good mood than to listen to a happy song. She had her music blaring in the kitchen.

She heard Sebastian walk into the room. She turned to look at him.  His eyes were beaming as always. Even so early in the morning he always managed to look so... alive.

She noticed he had his running shoes on and knew this would be the millionth week of him trying to convince her to jog with him.

'Good morning babe,' he said, stepping over and pecking her on the cheek.

He peeped the scrambled eggs she had on the stove and turned off the heat.

'Are you going to ask what I think you're going to ask?' She said in a worried tone.

'Just once, it won't hurt. Then we can eat all we want when we get back.'

So off they went. Kenadie felt pain flood through her legs as she pounded the pavement with her barely-worn trainers. Sebastian was jogging a few paces ahead of her, he hardly broke a sweat.

'Isn't this great?' He yelled to her as he dashed through the streets.

Had she been as athletic as him, she probably would have enjoyed the cool early morning breeze against her face as well as the adrenaline rush. But she wasn't. She paused to pull her falling leggings. She felt the microphone attached to her waist slightly pinch her flesh, a subtle but stark reminder that this whole ordeal was being filmed.

Sebastian noticed his wife was lagging behind and walked instead. He came to a stop when he reached the park entrance. When Kenadie reached him they proceeded to sit by a bench. They faced the tended green lawns strewn with early morning dog walkers and other fitness fanatics jogging past. They sat in silence for a while, all except for Kenadie's heavy breathing.

'I'm sorry if you feel like I've been giving you a hard time about this. I just really like jogging and I thought that once I had a partner it would be something good to do together,' Sebastian broke the silence.

'It's okay,' Kenadie said.

There was silence again.

'Do you think this is what the experts meant about us being 'different' and that we'd compliment each other? Maybe they matched me with you to prevent me from eating myself into a coma,' said Kenadie.

Sebastian laughed but only hesitantly as he did when she made any self-deprecating humor. She examined his face, it glistened with sweat and his brow was slightly furrowed.

'Well that's what Pence said. I do agree with it, we do compliment each other, ' he said.

Kenadie stayed silent hoping he would continue.

'I'd like to think I'm the more outgoing person. I want to take you out for dinners and nights out. I want to show you off. I want to show us off. But you, you prefer to stay in and get comfortable. You're always adorable in your pajamas and your bonnet. You've helped me realize the importance of making a home a comfort place,' he paused, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

She couldn't help but smile too.

'I'd like to think I've helped you a little too. That night in Mauritius when you stood up with the dancers...' they both smiled at the memory.

Sebastian reached for his wife's hand. He looked her in the eyes with the blue orbs she could never get over. He then continued.

'While external opinion is open, and it really isn't optional in this situation, it shouldn't run over our lives,' he finished.

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