7. Smudged lipstick, smeared eyeliner

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Adore's pov

My lips touched Biancas and I felt like I was flying. Everything inside me was doing flips and turns. My head spun. Her lips felt so soft. She started kissing me back while stroking my hair. I felt her tongue inside my mouth and thought I was going to faint. I couldn't believe this was happening, it felt surreal.
After a minute that felt like hours she pulled away. Grinning at me she took my hand, placing a small kiss on it. After that she just kept dancing around on the dance floor. She was drunk as hell and probably did not even perceive anything that was happening.

I was still freaking out 'cause of that kiss. I kissed Roy! I kissed my goddamn crush!
And he didnt even seem to care. Like I see he just dances like nothing's ever happened. The boy probably won't even remember it the next day. I know that he will never ever feel the same way as me. I looked around and everyone else seemed distracted.
Bianca danced with herself. Courtney was talking with Dela on the bar. And Alaska was still standing and talking to Willam.

I ran inside the bathroom and looked in the mirror.
My lipstick was completly smudged from making out with Roy and It looked like I havent slept in days.
I had dark bags under my eyes and looked like I was about to break down in tears. And I was. I tried hard not to cry, but my thoughts were spinning. It was a club, I should've had fun. But all I think about is Roy and my unreturned feelings for him.

A single tear rolled down my cheek as I heard the bathroom-door open.
Dela was walking inside. She seemed completly sober while walking directly to me. "Hey whats going on? You seemed heartbroken going inside here so I followed. Wait- honey are you crying?", she asked concerned.
"Everything's fine.", my voice cracked.
I ran outside the bathroom. I know she tried to help but I just wanted to be alone right now. I couldnt possibly tell her that I was in love with a good friend of us.

Feeling heartbroken I sat infront of the bar and ordered an alcoholic drink for my nerves. I wanted to party and to forget Roy for atleast a moment. So I took another drink. And then another one.

After about 6 drinks I still wasnt feeling better. I felt dizzy and drunk, but Roy was still on my mind. I sat there alone, since 5 minutes. And in those 5 minutes I managed to get completly drunk. My heart was still hurting and I felt the urge to cry.

I heard someone sitting down and looked to the left. Dela sat beside me.
"Adore. Tell me what is going on please.", she pleaded. A tear escaped my eye. "Baby" She took my hand and stroke it with her thumb. "Why are you crying?" Now I was fully sobbing, trying to cover my face with my right hand. I hated crying infront of people. But I was super emotional when I was drunk. I mean, I'm already an emotional person, but when I drink its as 3 times as strong.
Dela was now hugging me. "Talk to me. You know you can trust me.", she whispered. "I know." I buried my face in my hand and she tried to remove it. "Danny, look at me." She wiped away another tear.

"I like someone.", I spat out. "Who?" "I can't tell you that." She looked at me. "Okay." There was a small pause. But not weird or uncomfortable. "Do they not like you back?" "I don't think so." It felt weird to finally admit my crush. "Havent you told them?" "No.", I said looking at the floor. "Why?", she asked calmly. I looked at the floor. Ashamed of my own feelings. "Because I know they won't like me back and I don't want to loose our friendship. He means too much to me."

Dela and I just sat there for another 7 minutes, she still stroking my hand. After a while I stopped tearing up and we decided to go onto the dance floor.

And then I saw Bianca kissing someone...

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