9. How to keep a secret if you want to shout it out?

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Adore's pov

"Oh yeah? I bet you don't", I tried to sound sure, but inside I was exploding. What if she knows? Nobody can know. It would be such an emberassment. Plus it could reach the public and rumours could circle around. People already ship us and if they'd hear something about me having a crush on Bianca, I would be dead. I cant conceal that I didnt download a few edits of 'biadore' on my phone though. Full shame.

"You have a crush. Thats why you're so awkward.", Alaska said proudly as if It was such a archievement to figure that out. I felt myself blushing. "Aha and on who?" I tried to seem innocent. "How do I know?", she rolled her eyes. "You tell me. Is it someone I know?" Now it was my turn to roll my eyes. "Even if I had a crush I wouldn't tell you who it is. Keep dreaming." And with that I went inside.

Although it was already 3am everybody seemed so awake and hyper. They just kept dancing and I was sure they could do it the whole night long. Most of them probably would. For a second I almost forgot what happened and then I saw Bianca and remembered.
"Shit", I thought. Bianca kissed some unknown boy right after she had kissed me. What a hoe. I was sad. Maybe I should go home. Dela walked up to me. "I'm going home.", I said. "No why? Don't you have fun?", she asked. "No I don't. I really need to leave."
Determined Dela said: "I'm coming with you."

So we left the club, walking along the city street. It was dark outside. The only lights were the lamps on the side of the street. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Nobody of us talked as we walked to the bus stop.
Then Dela finally broke the silence.
"Uhm, Danny... I think we just missed the last bus. The last bus was arriving here at 3:30am and its 3:33am." "Shit", I cursed. "3 fucking minutes too late.
Then lets take the taxi, its not like we're poor." So we called an uber and waited 20 minutes for it to arrive.
I was so tired I almost fell asleep while waiting.

The ride was pretty quiet. We just looked outside the window, observing how it slowly started to rain. The sound of the raindrops falling unto the floor lulled me even more to sleep. I closed my eyes and everything went dark.

When we finally arrived, Dela woke me up and we went inside of my room. "I'm going to stay the night at yours, alright?", Ben asked, coming outside the bathroom fully dedragged. "Sure, I  thought that was obvious.", I shrugged. We decided to watch a movie. It was pretty boring and I almost fell asleep again.

When we finished we lied down on my big double bed and started some girls-talk. (Yes, I let Dela sleep on my bed. We are completly platonic friends, so I know nothing could ever happen between us thats more than that.) "What do we wanna talk about?", he asked. I thought about it. Anything but love, I thought. Thats the last thing I need right now. Although talking maybe helps, but whatever.

"Lets talk about love!", Ben suggested exitingly. I signed. "So I a few weeks ago I met this guy ...", he started "And he's so handsome and cute! I want to marry him right away!" "Don't tell him that.", I chuckled. "You'll scare him away." "Of course I won't, dummy!", he laughed. Paused. Then looked at me with this telling look on his face. "Soo do you currently like someone?", he asked. But it looked like he knew something. Or wanted to sqeeze the information out of me to confirm his assumption. "Uhmm, not really.", I lied. He raised his left eyebrow. "Okay, maybe." When his eyebrow slipped higher I decided it had no point and gave in. "Okay yes. I like someone. I really do." Now he seemed satisfied with my answer and its like a fire light up in his eyes. "Tell me more!"

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