Chapter 4

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Hey guys i'm sorry i  haven't uploaded this in so long but i'm back and hope you enjoy this chapter  and don't forget to comment your feedback  thank you.

Rachel Pov

I woke up and did my morning routine today is the day i finally talk to Noah  yes i'm still very mad about  him leaving me  but the more i think about it the more  i realize why Santana was right he really loves me and  doesn't want to get  hurt or getting in a relationship with a person he loves who love someone  but i realized  i really do want to be  with Noah he has been the one  i wanted all along .I got dress for school.   And drove to school   when i got to school  people stared and whispered   i was walking towards my locker when Santana, Brittany, Kurt and Mercedes pushed me in to a empty class room  .

"Guys what's going on  " I asked confused

"You didn't see the blog " Kurt said

"What blog ?"

"Jewfro blog  video " Santana said

"No why would  i "

"Because he put on the blog  that you slept with Puck " Brittany said.I then pulled out  my phone  and  watching the  blog  video about me.

' Latest news is loser gleek Rachel Berry and stud womanizer Noah  Puckerman have slept  together  you might be asked why would  the number  one badass sleep with the number one nobody it must be a rumour  it's not  i spoted the new couple in the hall way arguing  about it .It seems that Noah Puckerman did  hooked up and left again  is Rachel not as smart as people think she is i also have a comment from  her recent ex boyfriend Finn  Hudson  .
Finn:I'm not suprise that's why i  broke up because  she cheated on me with my own best friend  .
Jacob:but i thought you  cheated  on her with  your ex recently  new girlfriend Quinn

Quinn : That's not true  yes we dated after they broke up  because we realized we were meant for each other  Rachel may seem innocent  but she would do anything for attention and popularity   and that is exactly what she is doing  trying to seem like the victim also don't forget to vote for us for homecoming queen and king .

Jacob:you heard here  .

Back to Rachel's Pov

"I can't believe this ,why would he  do this to me everyone thinks i'm a slut  and  a cheater  "
I said nearly in tears  my friends then hugged me as i cried . I then hear someone being pushed against the lockers and i ran out the door   to see none other than  Noah pushing Jacob against  i then  ran towards them

"You think it funny to talk about people on your blog  and  ruining their lives " Puck said 

"It's was  just a joke  " Jacob said 

"Really because of you  people  think i'm a cheating stupid  slut  based on some stupid  rumors that wasn't true by the way   you had no right to   talk about us on your  stupid blog " I yelled at him

"Oh really because finn and Quinn say different "

"You know what i don't care what either of them say you  take down the video and apologize or i could bring this Figgins and you'll be suspended for harassment  " i said

"Fine im sorry "

"You know what why would you care all you care about is getting  the scoop in people  personal lives and ruining their reputation " I said as i walked away in tears .

Puck Pov
When  Rachel ran off in tear i pushed jewfro against the lockers again and told him

" Ok listen this is what going to happen  you  take down  the video about me and Rachel and you never do another video or blog about her and you don't  talk to her or go near her got it"
He agreed so i let him go and went to find Rachel i knew she was in one place  she would be .When i got to the auditorium she was on stage  singing.

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