chapter 6 warning :sexual assault

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Hey guys thanks you waiting for for my chapters to upload  but i hope you enjoy.  Trigger Waring :sexual assault

Rachel POV
Days later
I  woke up from  a restless night yet again  caused by the memory of the event that happened   at school with Dave   thankfully Noah was there comforting me  these pass few days . I woke up to feel Noah arm wrapped around me this was the safest i felt since everything that happened  .I then turn around  to see him still asleep I can't believe the famous womanizer  who would throw slushies at me on a daily basis  is now my rock he hasn't left my side i can't believe it took me this long to realize how much i love him after all the time i waste being Finn toy .I turn over to see the clock and decided to wake Noah up so we we wouldn't be late for our first day back since the incident i decided to kiss him to wake him up after a few minutes i felt him kiss back  with passion he then moves to my neck as I smile. I then said

"Good morning to you too but we should stop we have to go to school  " As i said that   he pulls away ,grunts and says.

"Couldn't we stay home one more day i don't know if it's safe for you to be away from me that long " he says with sad eyes

"Nope i feel like I'm finally ready to go back to school  after what  Dave did as much as  i loved spending time with you and i thank you for being here for me .  I really need to go back to my old routine plus we have alot to catch up on at school  and plus we have 3 classes together plus lunch and we'll meet up after your football practice " I said as i  tried to leave his bed he pulls me in for one more kiss .We  then get ready and leave for school as we approach the school my heart starts beating fast we walked through the hall towards our locker .I then saw  my best friend coming towards me they then pull me in a tight hug and say

"We missed you so much "Brittany said

"Yeah berry school isnt the same without you "Santana said

"How are you girl "Mercedes said i froze when i saw his face, Am i going crazy? I close my eyes and reopened them  to see there was no Dave standing there anymore 
"Diva you ok you look like you seen a ghost "Kurt said

"Yeah I'm fine just a little tired "

"You sure Rach because Lord tuggington predicated that something horrible is going to happen but yet again he has been lying about alot of things  lately "Brittany said

"You sure Rach you don't want me to walk you to your class we're just really worried about something happening again " Noah said

"You guys I'm fine i'm finally getting over what happened there's no need to shadow me all day i really need to go to class now "I said as i kissed Noah bye and left to go to my class. The  rest of the day was stressful  It was finally the end of the day  when i was about to leave  but i  stopped by my locker while everyone left already  as i was at my locker i felt someone rub their hand on my lower back to my butt and i froze i finally asked hoping it was the person i wanted to be .

"Noah?"I said almost in tears hoping it was Noah .The person then moves my hair to behind my ear and whispers

"Hey Berry miss me " As they had said that tears stream down my cheek and it became harder to breath .

"What do you want Dave  " I said as he grabbed my arm

"What I came for the first time you owe me berry you thought you could get rid of me where's your  little  boyfriend now  he's not here to save his bitch " He says as he puts his hands up skirt and  moans as i cried.

" Please I'm sorry please let me go I won't say anything "

"We both know that's  not true "
He then pulls me into the teachers bathroom  i tried screaming but he put his hand over my mouth he locked the door and pushed me on the ground i fought as much as i can but it was no use it was too late  all i could do is cry as he did it.


Puck's Pov

As i was leaving  football practice   i  was talking  to some friends while I approach my car  started to get worried about Rachel  because she wasn't waiting by the car as we planned i then rush in the building  (But little did he know it was too late Dave was gone) i looked in her last class, the auditorium, the glee room and the dance studio nothing  I finally through the hall yelling her name  when i stopped near her locker i heard someone crying in the teachers bathroom i then opened the door horrified of what i found which was Rachel on the floor  bruised with ripped clothes and her crying and shaking .

Thanks for reading I'm sorry this chapter is shorter then the others and it's dark  don't forget to comment feedback . If you experience something like this tell someone  whether it's a friend ,family , a teacher or someone who you trust  sexual assault and harassment happens to many people all around the world .

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