The Mansion

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Everybody got back from training from the woods and walked into the Guild as Natsu held his back.

"Is your back okay, Natsu?"
Happy asked

"I hate iron..." Natsu said

"I could've dropped aluminum on you" Izusa said, "I was being generous"

"That was generous?" Natsu said

"Hey Romeo, where's Astra?"
Storm asked

"She left a few minutes ago"
Romeo said

"Where?" Reiki asked

"To the Mansion" Romeo said taking a sip of his drink

Everyone stayed quiet for a second, "SHE WHAT?!" Storm, Reiki, Nash, Izusa, and Sylvia yelled

"I'm gonna tell her what for when I catch up with her!" Storm said running out

"Not if I do it first!" Reiki yelled running after him

"She better not touch my Manga's!"
Nash yelled running also

"I'll make sure she doesn't, my love!"
Sylvia said running close behind Nash

"Wait up!" Izusa yelled running with them

"What's their deal?" Gray asked

"What's the big deal about a Mansion?" Lucy said

"It's not just any Mansion,"
Romeo said, "it's yours"

"Mine?" Lucy said, "I have a mansion?"

"Are you sure it's not just some other dumb blond girl?" Happy asked

"Shut up, stupid cat!" Lucy yelled

"Once you published your books you became the most famous author in Magnolia and bought that mansion"
Romeo said, "My personal favorite is 'The Non-Stop Fire'. Good book to go to bed too"

"Yes! I did become an author!"
Lucy said

"Then what're we waiting for!"
Natsu said, "Let's go see this Mansion!"

"Aye!" Happy said

"Right behind you!" Lucy said

Astra was at the train station looking at the book that she found in the woods. Astra sensed a strange and strong magic coming from the book, but she couldn't figure out what.

"Astra!" Storm yelled

Astra looked up and saw that Storm, Reiki, Nash, Izusa, and Sylvia were running towards her. Astra screamed and then Storm and Reiki grabbed her by her ankles and shook her upside down making Astra drop the book.

"You know better than to go to the mansion without us, fire brain!"
Storm said

"What were you thinking, dragon girl?!" Reiki said

They stopped shaking her, "Last time I checked my Mom bought this mansion. It's not even yours!"
Astra said

"And last we checked your Mom said it was for all of us" Reiki said

Nash started punching Astra's stomach, "You were going to ruin my Manga's, weren't you!"

"You have a really weak punch"
Astra said not being effected by his punches

"Shut up!" Nash yelled

Sylvia had heart eyes looking at Nash's arms and Izusa was breathing heavily leaning against a pillar.

"Hey!" Natsu yelled, "Get my hands off my daughter, you pervert!"

"What'd you call me?!" Storm said turning White

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