Whatever It Takes

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They all rushed back to the ship and then got on, but then stopped seeing that Astra wasn't there.

"Where is she?" Natsu asked, "Where's Astra?"

Tommy just floated there, looking at the island they just got all off of knowing what he did.

"Alright you, you said Astra was here, so where is she?" Happy yelled

"I'm sorry..." Tommy said, "She told me to get you guys off the island as quick as I could"

"So that decoy that you said you made that's fighting Igneel is..."
Rosemary said

Storm grabbed Tommy by his overalls, "How dare you leave her all alone on that island!"

A tear went down Tommy's face, "I'm so sorry..."

Storm saw that Tommy was crying and he didn't know what to say as he looked back at the island.

"Hey, where's Nash?" Lucy asked

"Yeah, where'd he go?" Gray said

"Nash! Nash my darling, where are you?" Sylvia yelled

Tommy hitched his breath and then looked back at the island having this feeling that he knew exactly where Nash was. Astra and Tally kept fighting till they were in the woods where Tally was out cold. Astra stood there breathing heavily as she leaned on a tree. Astra held out her hand, seeing the scales and noticed that it started to rain. Astra stood up on her own and started to walk away from Tally. Astra got to a tree and then fell to the ground as she leaned up against the tree. Astra was out of energy and a tear went down her face as she looked at her hand longer. Astra curled up into a ball and started to cry as tears went down her face.

"Astra!" Someone yelled

"Nash...?" Astra thought

Nash stopped running and looked at Astra seeing that basically all of her clothes were almost gone. Nash walked towards Astra as he kneeled in front of her.

"Nash..." Astra said with a trembling voice, "What do I look like...?"

Nash put his hand on Astra's head, "Like the sister I've always known"

Astra looked up and saw Nash smiling, but with little tear capsules in his eyes as he tried to hold them back.

"C'mon, let's go home" Nash said

"No" Astra said

"What?" Nash said removing his hand, "Why not?"

"You were supposed to follow Tommy to the ship and leave here" Astra said

"Do you really think I would leave without you?" Nash yelled getting up, "You're my sister, I'm never gonna leave you. I still have so much to tell you!"

"You know the story that Dad use to read us, right?" Astra asked, "The one where our lives are supposedly based on?"

"What about it?" Nash asked

"You remember how it ends, right?"
Astra asked and Nash widened his eyes, "This is gonna sound kind of morbid, but the way she died for her friends... made me want to have the same death"

"What are you talking about?"
Nash yelled, "You're makin' it sound like you're going to die!"

Astra stayed silent, "I used too much Dragon Slayer magic"

"Then let's go get you back to Fairy Tail and we can help you!" Nash said

"Nash..." Astra said, "what were the things you wanted to tell me?"

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