Just Keep Looking

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Astra was laying on the ground as books flew past her as she was absorbing all the information with her Gale-Reading glasses. Lucy walked in and saw what was going on and looked around.

"Find anything?" Lucy asked

"Nope" Astra sighed, "Dalian, let's take a break"

"Yes, ma'am" Dalian said

Dalian took apart her hands and the books fell to the floor as one fell on Lucy.

"Hey, watch were you drop those things" Lucy yelled

Dalian hopped down and walked out as Astra took off the Gale-Reading glasses and threw them to Dalian then layed on the ground looking up at the sky.

"None of the books in here have anything about sending anybody into the future" Astra said then sighed running her hand through her hair, "And here I thought Dalion's glasses would work"

"I don't think any book in here has anything on how to go back in time"
Lucy said

Astra sat up, "So I looked for nothing!"

"Afraid so..." Lucy said

Astra sighed and then crossed her legs leaning her elbow on one of her legs and propping her head up against her hand.

"I really wanna help you guys get back, but if no book has it then you're totally screwed" Astra said

Lucy walked over and bent down,
"I appreciate how hard you're working. It means a lot to everyone"

Astra smiled, "No problem"

Storm was walking down the hallway with his hands in his pockets looking at the ground.

"That was awkward" Storm said, "Stupid feelings getting in the way. I should've just listen to Mom and gone for it like she always says. But she likes Duncan. I got no chance..." Storm sighed then someone pushed his on the shoulder, "Hey! Watch where your going!"

"I'm sorry, oh wait..." He turned around, "No I'm not"

Storm growled, "Rose"



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"I was just on my way to inform my dear Asty that lunch was ready"
Rose said

Storm went White, "Her name is Astra. Get that though your thick hair gelled skull!"

"I see jealousy is still not your best feature" Rose said

"Will you shut it!" Storm yelled

Rose sighed imagining Astra, "That voice, those gold eyes, those lips, that fiery pink hair, that chest, that waist, those legs. She's the perfect vivinachi sequence in human form. Love on two legs. Beauty personified!"

"Will you stop talking about her like that" Storm yelled

"But why?" Rose said, "She's my true love"

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