Switching Perspectives

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"Rosemary?" Astra said, "No way... you can't be"

"But it really is" Rosemary said, "I know it sounds crazy and I understand why you won't believe me, but please just give me a second to explain myself"

"I'm all ears" Astra said

"That day where I presumably.... "died", I was playing with Reiki in the forest" Rosemary said, "We were playing a game of hide-and-seek. It was my turn to hide in the forest and it was like my playground, so I knew all the good hiding spots. But I wasn't the only one. As I was hiding, this man came up to me and told me that if I didn't join him he would kill all the Fairy Tail members. He told me that he would kill Mom, Dad, and Reiki. I couldn't let that happen. I knew I should've said something before I left, but I was so scared that you and the others would die... I'm so sorry Astra. You know that I'd never tell a lie. So believe me when I said these words, I did it for Fairy Tail"

Astra widened her eyes and hitched her breath staring at Rosemary knowing that she had to be the real deal.

"Rosemary..." Astra said

Next thing you knew Astra was in the air crying tears of joy as she grabbed onto Rosemary.

"Glad to have you back" Astra said

"It's good to be back" Rosemary said

"Wait, so she's on our side now?"
Lucy said

Astra let go of Rosemary, "Oh yeah, I sort of forgot to mention, Erza, this is your daughter who "died""

Erza smiled, "It's good to finally meet you"

Rosemary smiled, "Yeah, it is! Oh, and by the way, I'm sorry about the whole old lady thing..."

"That was you?" Lucy said

"Yeah..." Rosemary said

"I hate to break up this lovely reunion you guys are having, but we need to find that stone before Tally does"
Tommy said

"I know you" Astra said, "You're the one who impaled me in the leg with your metal wing thing"

"I was only trying to be undercover!"
Tommy said

"He's right" Erza said, "In fact, he's the one who sent all of us here to help you stop this tragedy"

"Really?" Astra said, "So you know how to send them back?"

"That's why we're on the island..."
Tommy said

"Don't sass talk me. You're the one who made me bleed" Astra said

"Again, trying to be undercover!"
Tommy said

"Guys, stop" Lucy said, "You two are just wasting more time by arguing, we have to find that stone!"

"Lucy's right" Erza said

"Yeah, I know" Astra said, "Rose, do you have any idea where it is?"

"No" Rosemary said, "Tally didn't give us much information on the stone or why he intended to have it"

"Well, I'm gonna make him tell me why he intends to have it whether he likes it or not" Astra said putting her fist on fire

"We should split up then" Erza said, "It's the quickest way to find that stone before he does"

"Right" Lucy said

"Alright, me and Rosemary will check the right side of the island out, you guys check the left" Astra said

"Okay" Lucy said

"Be safe" Erza said

Astra nodded, "C'mon!"

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