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"Mom,I'm dead clueless,I don't have any idea of what to wear for the concert" I complained while Mom was standing at my wardrobe....practically flinging out my clothes looking for something to wear for me.

"I thought I got you a black midi gown last year, I haven't seen you wear it for once" She said,trying to remember how it looked like.

"I don't know what you are talking about" I said

After frantically searching, she found it...
"Tada!...I found it,you abandoned it in the deepest and darkest rooms of your wardrobe"

Ordering me to get up,she handed over the dress to me...
I had no idea it was there in my wardrobe...
I had tons of simpler clothes to bother about..

Reluctantly, I took it from her hands and tried it on.
It was still my size and Mom started rambling about how curvy her daughter looked........

I then thought why I hadn't noticed the dress..I mean..it looked so good..

"Mom,I'm wearing it" I said beaming with joy.

"Of course,honey" She said
"Its time for dinner,do quick and come down to eat" She added again,leaving me behind in the room

"Sure Mom" I said back...

I ruffled up my clothes into the wardrobe...rushing so that I could eat...
I mean..I had been starving for hours.

Mom had prepared spaghetti with sauce,waffles,pies ,doughnuts dripping with jam and she handed over my favs.to me...Skittles...seeing that she had succeeded in making my mouth water...

I quickly ate dinner which comprised of the snacks, I didn't touch the spaghetti.... It was slimy....

The doorbell sounds and I run to answer the door and there stood Keisha.....Dressed up in the most gorgeous outfit I had ever seen....

"BF,would you please let me enter???" She said...

I quickly let her in and she exchanged greetings with Mom pecking her on the cheeks and Mom did the same.

We went up to my room to dress me up..

I sit down on my chair in front of my dressing mirror while she brought out her kits again and worked her magic,on both my face and my hair.

This time around,the makeup was Gothic and smokey with my lips blazing hot red.
We also left only the ends and edges of my hair curled up ,making my hair look sort of wavy....

I stepped into my black gown,turtleneck though with  matching nude heels,nude earrings,a silver bracelet and a black clutch..

I looked like a sexy model stepping out on the runway...for a fashion show....

"Well,I guess we are ready" Keisha said...

"Mom!we're leaving already" I shouted to Mom who was in her room.

"Okay Honey,take care of yourselves and say hi to Josh for me" Mom replied..

"Of course,we would" Keisha added....

Right there,beginning with this concert or party or whatever was the start of a new relationship with myself and Josh.......

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