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I had been walking for about half an hour, headphones on, without a care in the world

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I had been walking for about half an hour, headphones on, without a care in the world. It was only when i felt the cold spats of rain that I looked up from my feet and took in my surroundings. Everything around me, even the houses seemed dark and gloomy and i did not recognise the street name. In the distance i could hear screaming and the sound of bottles smashing. Then it hit me. I was on the Southside of Riverdale. Not remembering the way i came i turned around and tried to retrace my steps. Hoping for the best.

20 minutes later and i was completely lost, by now the rain had begun to pour down heavily. I looked around for anything familiar, but was greeted by 2 boys around my age covered head to toe in leather, all looking at me like a piece of meat, smirks on their faces. "Hey little lady, what are you doing out here all alone?" The tallest of the pair spoke. I parted my lips about to speak, but alas no words came out, so I just stood there silent and soaking wet. "A shy one, aren't you?" The other one spoke, cocking his eyebrow. "There is no need to be afraid, we won't bite...probably..." at these words both boys began to step forward getting closer...and closer...and closer. It was only now that my brain kicked in and assessed the situation, realising the danger I could be in i looked around for anything or anyone that could help me. But the only thing i could focus on was the pocket knife one of the boys held. My breath hitched and I began to panic, i squeezed my eyes shut and prepared myself for what could come next. I stood there waiting for them to engage when I heard a loud grunt and the sound of a body hitting them cold, wet pavement. These sounds were followed by similar ones until everything was quite and all I could hear was the loud pounding of my heart in chest.

"Are you okay?" A soft yet deep voice asked. It was only then that i opened my eyes to see the extremely tall and extremely good looking boy i had met in the hospital toilets , blood dripping off his knuckles and a bruise beginning to form around his left eye. I took a moment to admire him. He has Raven hair, which is wet from the harsh rain, and a Serpent tattoo on his neck. "Hellloooo...anybody home?" He said whilst waving his hand in front of my face. "Huh? Oh yeah right...yes i am fine". My hands are shaking. "Are you sure? You don't look fine. Do you need a ride somewhere?" I was considering his offer, I mean if he wanted to hurt me he wouldn't have helped me. "If it is not too much trouble, I am really lost" "Yeah it's cool". He turned around and started walking towards a motorcycle, not gonna lie i was kinda hoping he had a car so that i could get out of the rain. He sat down on his bike and I hesitated before hopping on the back and wrapping my arms around his waist. "Where too?" He asked and I gave him the address of the house a few doors down from mine so that my Dad and more importantly my brother did not see my getting off the back of a motorcycle.

When we pulled up I jumped off and we just made awkward eye contact until I spoke up. "I'm Holland, by the way" and i smiled a little "Sweet Pea". I had to try and hold in a laugh at the boys ridiculous name. And then silence again. "Um I hope you don't mind me asking but how come you didn't run for the hills when you saw that I was a serpent?" He broke the silence this time. "Why would I? I don't see why it matters that you are a serpent, why should i treat you any differently than i would if you were a Riverdale high Bulldog, we are all just people after all." I answer politely. He gives me a genuine smile, but then falters back to his previous stern look. "Well, i guess i will see you around then" I say, "Yeah, maybe" he replies before starting up his bike and riding off.

When I walked through the door I was bombarded with questions from my worried family, but I cut them short by saying that I was very cold and needed to have a shower and then get ready to go to pops for Retro Night. Whilst in the shower i only had one thing on my mind. The handsome serpent that I somehow missed despite only seeing him 20 minutes ago.

Another chapter done, i don't have a clue what i am doing but i am gonna keep writing even if it is terrible and no one reads it

Archie's little sister (Sweet Pea)(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now