Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Corey's POV

Well shit. Peyton and Izzy are dating. That means I have to try to get Caitlyn to go out with me. Honestly I thought they would take forever so I didn't start planning on how to ask her. I want it to be perfect. Caitlyn told me how no guy has ever made an effort when they asked her out. Also that she has never had a relationship last a week. I told myself I would ask her out in a very special way and that we could last more then a year. Well I hope we can. I should ask Peyton for some advice. I mean I am Farkle but he only flirts. He doesn't ask girls out.

*text. C- Corey P-Peyton*

C-  Need ur help!! It's important!!

P- with what...?

C- well u and Iz need to get to asses to my dressing room. I'll tell u then.

P- ugh we're on our way.

C-good :)

*end of convo*

A few minutes later I heard a knock on my door. I got up and opened it. I thought it was going to be Peyton and Izzy but it was Sabrina.

"Oh hey Sabrina. What's up?"

"What's up? Why haven't you asked out Caitlyn yet?" She said kinda annoyed.

"Well that's why I was surprised to see you. I thought it was Peyton and Izzy. I was going to tell them my plan on how to ask her."

"CAN I BE HEAR WHEN YOU TELL THEM?!?!" She yelled happily.



Right then Peyton and Izzy walked in holding hands.

"Awwww. Soon that will be Cait and Corey" Sabrina said watching them.

"Please we ALL know they will be sucking faces the whole time." Izzy said causing everyone but me to laugh.

"AWWWW HES BLUSHING!!" Peyton yelled causing me to blush even more.

"Ugh whatever. Back to the point on why you are all here. I wanted your help on asking out Caitlyn."

"Whatever you need, we will help with." Peyton said smiling still holding Izzy's hand.

"Great. So my plan is that you guys keep her out of you're hotel room while I'll be in there setting everything up. I'll leave a note and a bunch of rose pedals that will lead to the bathroom. Then there will be an outfit for her to put on. Then she will have to continue following the path until she gets to her room. Where I'll be hiding somewhere and it says 'Caitlyn will you go out with me?' in rose pedals." I said.

"OMFG COREY THATS PERFECT!!! She will love it. She might even start crying. Happy tears of coarse." Izzy said in awe.

"Yeah man. That idea is perfect. I just told Izzy I wanted to be more then friends and we kissed. That's it." Peyton said.

"Okay so we can take Caitlyn to the mall and then to the park. You just have to text us to let us know when to come back." Sabrina said.

"Mission Corey asking out Caitlyn, is a go." Izzy yelled as she jumped on Peyton's back. They ran out of the room Sabrina racing behind them. I snuck out the back way to make sure Caitlyn wouldn't see me. I went to the craft store down the street to get all the rose pedals. I'm just praying that she will say yes.

Caitlyn's POV

I was waiting out front of the studio waiting for Izzy to come out. A few minutes later Sabrina came running outside with Izzy on Peyton's back right behind her.

"Hey guys. We should go to the mall" Sabrina said.

"Huh, great idea Sabrina. Let's go now!" Peyton said. Sabrina grabbed my wrist and started running to the limo. We all hopped in and headed to the mall. I don't even want to go.

*at the mall*

"LETS GO TO AEROPOSTALE!" Sabrina yelled. Both Izzy and Sabrina dragged me with them. Peyton went to the food court cause he didn't want to go. But I, for one, and had no choice. We went in the store and they made me try on almost everything. After like two hours Sabrina got a text.

"Uh guys I think we should head home. Izzy tell Peyton to meet us out front." She said.

"Mkay." Izzy pulled out her phone to text Peyton. We headed outside and saw Peyton waiting out front. We all got in the limo and they dropped off Sabrina and then Peyton and Izzy went with him so his family can meet her. I'm gonna be home alone for a while. Oh joy. I got out and went into the hotel. I went to the elevator and up to my room. I put the card into the slot. I walked in and turned on the lights to see a bunch of rose pedals and note. I walked over to it and picked it up. It said:

"Dear Caitlyn,

So how was the mall? And trying on the whole store? I bet that was fun. Anyways follow the rose pedals for a surprise.

      – Corey F."

Oh joy. I decided to play along and follow the rose pedals the lead to the bathroom. The fuck? I walked in and saw another note with a bag. I picked up the note and it read:

"Okay I know what you're thinking, 'why the hell am I in the bathroom?' Am I correct. Well of coarse I am. Anyways look in the bag and put that on. Then continue following the rose pedals :)

      – Corey F."

I looked in the bag to see I light baby blue high-low dress with a pair of black flats. I closed the door and changed into the dress. I opened the door and put my shoes on. I continued to follow the pedals to my room. I opened the door to see a candles in the shape of a heart that says "Caitlyn, will you go out with me?" in the middle written in rose pedals. I can't believe Corey went through so much trouble for me.

"Are you gonna answer or just stare at it?" I heard Corey say behind me. I turned around to face him. He was in a tux. I walked up to him and placed my lips on his. We kissed for like a minute, then we finally pulled away.

"I'm taking that as a yes?" Corey said while giggling. I nodded my head and kissed him again. Best. Fucking. Day. Ever.

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