Dear Minho, note seven

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Tuesday, March 20th 2018

Dear Minho,

Shit shit shit. Felix saw me putting yesterday's note in your locker. I made him swear on his life that he wouldn't tell you who I am, there was definitely some threats made and I pulled out a little blackmail. . . please tell him that while I don't regret it I am sorry for being so, intense. Don't bug him for it. PLEASE Minho. I love you so much but I'm not ready reveal to myself. Maybe one day, but right now I'm too terrified to even attempt to speak to you in person. To say that I love you in person.

Y'know sometimes I imagine what it would be like if we were in a relationship. Holding hands, going on dates, kissing. I hope that one day you can say I love you to me.

I love you. ♡

-Your secret admirer

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