Dear Minho, note nineteen

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Sunday, May 6th 2018

Dear Jisung,

You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you so much it hurts. Your eyes have a sparkle that make me want to keep you in my arms for the rest of time. Your hair is so impossibly soft that it makes me jealous. I love your squirrel-ish cheeks so much and don't care that you don't, I could never understand that. You are the most beautiful person I have ever seen. You are so funny that I tear up when laughing. You are so caring, you help anyone that needs it, including me. You are intelligent, giving me cute little riddles to solve last Friday. You are one of the most important people in my love and I love you to no end. I will remain by your side until i'm old and grey. I don't care about whatever happens, I'll stay with you. I love you so much Han Jisung. One day we'll have moved somewhere more accepting, get married, adopt kids and grow old together. You are amazing and for the millionth time, I love you.


Minho held the note he had just written in his hand and watched as his tears fell on the paper. Before he ruined it he folded it and placed it on the bedside table already covered in flowers and notes from everyone else. He scooted his chair closer to the bed and held Jisung's hand in his own.

"Sir, visiting hours are over, will you be staying in the waiting room again tonight?" A nurse with soft features asked.

Minho sniffed and rubbed his eyes with his sleeve before nodding. He released the soft hand and looked at Jisungs bruised bandaged face. He gave the boy a soft loving kiss on his exposed cheek and followed her out, giving his boyfriend who had been beaten into a coma by his father with a tire iron the night Minho had dropped him off one last night, knowing he'd be back tomorrow and every day after.

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