Dear Minho, note seventeen

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Thursday, April 26th 2018

The smell of bleach and lemon cleaner assaulted Jisung's nose the minute he stepped foot inside the Samsung medical center in Gangnam-gu. The hospital was nicely decorated, as most things were in Gangnam-gu. Jisung paid little attention to those details and instead went up to the reception desk.

"I'm here to visit someone." Jisung questioned in an urgent manner.

"Can I have a patient name?" The woman replied in a bored tone.

"Lee Minho."

"What is your relationship to the patient?"

"I'm his cousin." Jisung lied, knowing that secret admirer wasn't the best way to identify yourself.

"Can I have some ID?" She asked, typing away at the desk top computer she was situated at.

"Um yeah of course." Jisung fumbled to get his wallet out of him pocket, pulling out his drivers license.

"Han Jisung? You said that he was your cousin correct?"

"Yes, my father's surname is is Han while my mothers maiden name is Lee."

"Okay, and you are over the age of eighteen?"

"Yes, I'm eighteen years old."

"Okay." She handed back the license.

"His room is on the third floor, room three hundred and twenty. Stay as positive as possible and avoid upsetting him as he is on suicide watch for the time being." She said, pointing him to the stairs before returning her attention to the desktop computer.

Jisung ran as fast as he thought acceptable for a hospital. Upon reaching the third floor he was panting for breath. He jogged down the hall, looking at each room number as he passed. He stopped outside the metal door with a small 320 above the handle. His hand hesitated before grasping the door knob and turning. Silently opening the heavy door. He sucks a short breath in at the sight of Minho sitting cross legged on the white sheets of his hospital bed, back to Jisung looking at the window.

Even through the hospital provided scrubs Jisung can't help but notice how skinny he had become compared to how he was the last time he had seen him, about two weeks ago.

Jisung couldn't help but be overwhelmed by emotion. Tears began dripping from his eyes despite never being one to cry easily. Only Minho had this effect on him. Minho sheard him as he took a shaky breath. The male noticed that despite the tears making trails down his face he looked absolutely surreal. Even before the notes Minho had taken interest in the male. Two years ago he had even found himself with a small crush on the boy. But since Jisung seemed far out of his league he had never put through the effort. So seeing him there, crying for him. He felt his heart swell. Minho stood from the bed and took a tentative few steps towards the crying boy. Time seemed to freeze around them. Before it felt as if Minho had been staring into a tank full of water straining his eyes for even a shadow of what was inside, a certain fish in the vast ocean.

And now Minho could see what was in the tank the whole time, who his admirer was the whole time.

Then the glass broke and with it so did the ice keeping them from moving.

Minho rushed forward as fast as his weak body could handle. Jisung did the same and the met in the middle with a desperate embrace. Jisung lifted the weak boy into the air and did one quick spin before placing him down and placing his face wet with tears into the crook of Minho's neck.

"I was so worried about you." He said in a whisper laced with sadness and desperation.

"I'm so sorry, everything went to shit so quickly I just didn't think there was any other way. And then you called me and I felt like maybe I'd be okay." Minho said as he stroked Jisung's hair, relishing in the softness of it.

"I love you so much." Minho's heart seemed to skip a beat as he pulled away slightly, pressing his and Jisung's foreheads together.

"I love you more." He whispered.

"Unrealistic." Jisung said, glancing down for a second to Minho's lips. The action didn't go unnoticed by the other. Minho shifted forward slightly; close enough that they were breathing the same air. He looked into Jisung's eyes for confirmation and when he got the smallest nod he closed the distance between them. The kiss wasn't rushed or intrusive. Rather it was the kiss of to people who had been waiting for this for a long time. The two relished in the warmth and softness of each others lips for a few seconds before separating. They were both blushing adorably as they looked at each other. They dove in for another kiss. This one a little faster as they grew more comfortable. Neither knew how long the stood there, grasping at each other desperately, only seorerating when they ran out of breath. They spent another few minutes just gazing at each other, ingraining their features into their minds.

"Hey Jisung."


"Do you want to be my boyfriend?"

"Of course I do dumbass."

"Then how about, in a week once I get out, we go on a date. Just the two of us." Jisung giggled.

"That's the typical amount of people a date consists of is it not?"

Minho smiled and pulled his boyfriend into a tight embrace.

"So what do you say."
"Of course, my love."

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