Dear Minho, note fifteen

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Wednesday, April 25th 2018

"Did you hear?"

"Hear about what?"

"About that guy Minho."

"What about him? Isn't he in our year?"

"Yeah, apparently he tried to kill himself like a week ago, he just woke up."

"Seriously? Why?"

"I guess he came out as gay and his parents kicked him out, I think he was living with a friend of his."

"Oh my god the poor guy."

"He also got really depressed after his secret admirer stopped sending him notes."

"I feel so bad for him, I think we had chem together last semester, he was always so happy."

"I know, I guess after all that shit happened in his life he couldn't take it."

"I can't imagine what it's like to lose your family and crush in the course of a month."

"Last I heard he was in love with the person."

"Even though they never met?"

"Yeah, I find it cute."

"Well how'd he do it? Or try to."

"He stole some of his friend's mom's prescription pills. Tranexamic acid or something like that. It supposed to be for blood issues but he took a lethal amount. I think he just downed the bottle."

"And he's alive?"

"Yeah, his friend, Felix I think, found him seizing on the floor, called an ambulance."

"I feel so bad for him. I hope he's okay."

"We should send some flowers or something."

"Well it's not like we knew him."


"Well Whatever, I'll see you next period!"

"Okay bye!"

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