Dear Minho, note eleven

390 33 2

Saturday, March 24th 2018


- Hey felix, i need you to give a message to Minho... is that okay?


- Yeah of course! What's the message mate


- Actually, could you give me his number, i can't be impersonal about this


- Uhhh yeah sure dude. Its (xxx)-xxx-xxxx


- I owe you man, thanks


Unknown number

- hey


- who is this?

Unknown number

- Your secret admirer

- Felix gave me your number

- I saw you rip up my note on Friday and I just wanted to let you know that you're a fucking prick. I may love you but don't expect anymore notes

- Just delete my number and forget any of this ever happened

- It was a stupid idea in the first place


- please no

- i dont know who you are but i really want to

- im sorry

- i was just mad that my friends knew who you were but im still in the dark

- what did the note say?

Unknown number. . .

- It was nothing

- Please dont text me anymore

- I dont have the willpower to delete your contact from my phone

- And texting makes my notes lose their magic dont you think?


- . . .

- fine

- you want to know something that terrifies me?

- that im starting to fall for someone that i dont know

- i love you mr secret admirer

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