Chapter 2

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A/N - There will be self-harm in this chapter, so I'll let you know when it starts and ends. K? XO


Harry awoke the next morning to light filtering through the hangings. He quickly looked down to see that the glamour was intact, like it is every morning. Once, years ago, there was an incident at the Burrow where Percy was convinced he saw Harry dead. Nobody believed him of course - Pompous Percy, the Prick.

Harry looked around to see that everyone but Neville, who was snoring softly, headed down to the Great Hall for breakfast and Course Schedules.

Once he arrived, he plopped down across from Ron, Hermione, Ginny and Luna (since the War ended, there has been a lot more Inter-House unity, and people sat with people from other Houses. Also, Harry came out as Gay to Ginny, and they broke up peacefully, claiming to be brother/sister close).

"Good morning, Harry," Luna said, her dreamy blue eyes seem to probe Harry's soul,"You seem more tired than usual today,"she noted.

"Just uneasy after the War and all," Harry casually commented.

"Harry, while you were asleep, schedules were handed out," Hermione said as she handed Harry what he assumed was his course schedule.

"Ugh, why do they always seem to put us with the Slytherins, nevermind Potions," Ron said scathingly.

Harry was suddenly reminded with a pang of Snape. If he loved my mum, Harry thought, then why was he so cruel to us? He reminisced over the summer to all the times Snape saved him. Second nature, I guess.

If Harry thought Slytherins would treat him any kinder, he was sadly mistaken.

"Ugh, Potter," Malfoy started as usual, "Is that the Weasel's shirt you've got on? It's just about as dirty as his whole family is!" Harry elbowed Ron hard in the ribs to keep him from retorting. Besides, it isn't the best he has come up with.

Luckily, the class was allowed in the room at that moment.

The first couple of weeks passed by much the same, Malfoy's bullying and note-taking, since they missed their N.E.W.T.S. the year prior, they were a little busy Horcrux-Hunting and for some reason did not find time to fit their studies in.

One Friday evening, Ron and Hermione, and Luna and Ginny all left the Great Hall earlier than Harry, no doubt about where they were going. So, Harry left the Great Hall alone that evening, not realizing where he was headed.

"Potter!" an arrogant voice called from behind him. Oh Merlin, Harry thought, here we go again.

"Potter, turn around. I know you can hear me!" The drawn out vowels and clipped consonants were unmistakably Malfoy's. Harry sighed and turned slowly around to see a sneering Malfoy approaching him.

"You know, Potter. I am impressed. How do you get your hair so messy? It looks as if you've stepped out of a broom cupboard." And that was the comment that hit home. Years of the Dursley's abuse flooded through his mind as he kept a cool face.

"I would suggest, Malfoy, you found a Ravenclaw to pick on," That was all he said before he wheeled around, briskly walking away, leaving a stunned Malfoy behind.

Before he knew it, Harry was on the Seventh Floor, pacing until a rounded oak door appeared, knowing what Harry needed. (A/N - The self harm starts Here, scroll until I give you the 'OK' signal.)

The door shut quietly behind Harry, and he walked to the table full of different blades.

"Deraparo appeara," and in an instant the glamour was gone, and the true Harry Potter revealed. He removed his shirt, and picked a smaller blade off the table.

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