Chapter 6

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"How are we going to break this to the school? Whatever this is?" Harry asked, gesturing to themselves, for which Harry was leaning into Draco's chest, their legs entwined, and Draco's arms wrapped around Harry's torso, fiddling with the other boy's purple-tinted fingers.

Around Draco, Harry felt as if he could bring his walls down, along with his glamour. As the pale boy had mentioned earlier, what is the point of replacing it if he's seen Harry without already?

"I don't know. I don't expect we walk into Potions on Monday hand-in-hand, now do we?" The blonde asked jokingly.

Harry pondered over this a moment, tracing the lines of Draco's hands.

"You're a bloody genius!"

"What are you getting at, Potter?"
Harry smiled at the use of his surname. Pottah.

"Why don't we give everyone the Fred and George shock of a lifetime? Only we're not pulling a prank. Plus, Rita Skeeter would be dying for this piece, and I feel like I owe her after the Quibbler piece, although she did ruin my life at one point."

Both boys cringed, reflecting back to their Fourth Year.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that-"
"It's fine, Draco. If I've told you once, I've told you a million times, you needn't keep apologizing!"

"Hearing my name coming from your lips is like hearing angels sing," Draco started, flipping them to where Harry was beneath him, "Let's see if I can make them scream," his teeth nipped at Harry's Adam's Apple.

All of a sudden there was a knock at the door.



The boys yelled simultaneously.

"Harry?" They heard Ron yell.

"Ron! You don't even know if he's even in there!"Hermione chastised.

"I'm in here," Harry called back. He rolled out of bed, and then realized he was naked.

Draco, on the other hand, was hiding under the covers, admiring the Bum Who Lived (A/N Reference taken from another author, I had to include it!)

With another swish-and-flick of Draco's wand (the magic one!), Harry was in gray sweatpants.

"Reparo Appeara," he muttered softly, the green-eyed-boy's glamour replacing itself. 

Harry walked over to the door, and Draco rolled under the bed.

"Harry!" the two all-but-yelled at the same time, throwing themselves at harry, wrapping them in a hug.

"Ron, Hermione," Harry started tentatively,"You two are my best friends, and I've always told you everything. Well, almost everything. Come in, shut the door.

They did, and the Golden trio went over to the couches and took a seat, Ron and Hermione to one, and Harry to the one across from the two.

"'Almost everything', what do you mean, mate?" Ron asked, a little concerned.

Harry closed his eyes, and took a deep breath, exhaling slowly, before beginning.

"As you know, as a child, my aunt, uncle, and cousin abused, assaulted, and mistreated me. What you don't know is that their torment made a lasting impact on me.

"Ever since I was ten, I struggled with self-harm. Small cuts along my forearms at first," the two glanced down, " You're not able to see them, I wear a glamour. Only one person has seen me without. He's been helping me recover, and we are on, what you would call good terms. I actually need him out here as I show you this. Come on out, Draco."

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