Chapter 3

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   Harry awoke to cool fingers running soothingly through his thick hair, and heard a voice, undoubtedly Malfoy's, whispering anguishedly, "I am so sorry, Harry. I'm so sorry I hurt you, this is all my fault," repeatedly for several minutes, and when he looked up, Malfoy's normally gelled-back hair was all disarrayed, as if he ran his fingers through it a lot. The blonde was staring at a point beyond the wall, with the most heartbreaking expression Harry had ever seen, and he's seen Mrs. Weasley try to battle a boggart.

   Where Harry was looking up at Draco, he studied the sharp contours of the pale boy's jaw, cheekbones, and throat.

   Something slightly stirred in him as he saw Malfoy's Adam's apple bob every time he spoke or paused to swallow saliva.

   Malfoy's voice started cracking slightly when Harry thought it a good time to notify him he was awake.

   "I forgive you, Malfoy," and Draco suddenly jumped, his grip tightening in Harry's hair, turning him on a bit. Malfoy then removed his hand from the other boy's hair and grabbed his glasses, pushing them carefully up the bridge of Harry's nose.

   "You're staying here tonight," Malfoy said, seemingly very snootily, "You're too weak to stand."

   A wave of rebelliousness washed through Harry.

   "Oh yeah? Watch me," As soon as Harry tried to sit up, his head felt as if it had been hit with a cast-iron skillet, and he collapsed, dizzy.

   "Exhibit A," Malfoy sighed, rolling his eyes and shaking his head.

   For some reason, this amused Harry, he smiled gently, and when Draco looked back down at him, Harry realized just how silver the boy's eyes were.

   Oh no, Harry thought despairingly, I'm in love with Draco-frickin'-Malfoy.

   "Fine," Harry said seemingly uncaring,"But you're staying with me." Malfoy chuckled at that.

   "Of course, who else is going to watch after you as you recover?" Then he suddenly turned serious. Dead serious.

   "Pott-I mean, Harry," Harry's breath caught a little,"I am really sorry," Draco looked pleadingly at Harry, as if he'd be mat at him,"All those years I tormented you, I never thought you would react like this, and when I insulted you earlier, something looked as if it died. Extinguished. And I can see this this wasn't the first time, and I don't care when you started," Harry frowned slightly,"I just want this to be the last time,"The frown disappeared, and Draco ran his fingers lightly through Harry's hair once more before continuing,"And every time I bullied you, I wanted you to sink down to my level. Granger did that before you,"Harry laughed a little, remembering how she hit Malfoy years ago,"I was always jealous of you, Harry, because you always seemed to have a choice while I didn't. Although my father forced me to be evil, even he didn't want that for me. I just-I just hope you'll find it in your heart to forgive me. Hell, your heart is as pure as gold, all I want, even if it isn't you, is your forgiveness."

   Harry's mind was reeling... even if it isn't you... did that mean Malfoy wanted him?

   Harry reached up and placed his hand on Draco's cheek, which was surprisingly cool.

   Draco was utterly shocked when Harry put his hand on his cheek and said, "D-Draco, I know you're not perfect, nobody is, so I forgive you."And that was all Harry needed to say.

   For the first time in his life, Draco felt truly safe. He smiled-no, not a smirk or a sneer, but a real, happy, contagious smile.

   He noticed his heart lighten as he looked down at Harry, and the green-eyed boy suddenly looked self-conscious.

   "Hey, Draco?"


   "Would you mind replacing my glamour?"

   So that's how he has managed.

   "Why? I mean, I know why you keep it on in public, but I've seen you without already, and I think you're perfect as you are. Your body is like a road map," he said, lightly tracing a scar running down Harry's upper-arm, causing the other boy to shudder slightly,"And I would seriously like to know how to navigate you, so I don't accidentally pull a fuse."

   Harry gave a small half-smile, causing that little skip of heart again.

   I really need to start controlling that.

   He placed his hand on Harry's, gently removing them from his face, slowly entwining their fingers, and much to Draco's surprise and delight, Harry clasped Draco's hand, almost enthusiastically. The boys sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes.

   "So, no glamour?"

   Draco laughed, "Fat chance."

   Harry grinned,"You aught to go to sleep. Dealing with me can be a pain in the arse."

   "Well," Draco started, removing his hand from Harry's,"Seeing as there's nowhere else..." 

   He shooed Harry to the other side of the king-sized bed, then lay down on his back, staring at the ceiling in silence.

   Draco started slightly when he suddenly felt Harry's hand on his own, then grasped it, in case the other boy got the wrong idea of his jump.

   "Goodnight, Draco."

   "Goodnight, Harry. Sweet dreams."

   Both boys slept peacefully that night, hands connecting them in the center of the bed.


Yay! So, my loves, the next chapter will be very graphic, just a warning, so turn your brightness down! K? XO.

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