Chapter 5

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AN - I made Dobby survive the knife attack and he is still at Hogwarts!! XO.

   While wrapped in Draco's protective, caring embrace, Harry awoke to a 'CRACK', and opened his eyes to see two orbs the size of tennis balls in his face, and let out a startled yelp, causing Draco to snap up and wrap his arms around Harry in a half-protective, half-sacrificing way.

   "Shit, Dobby, you scared the life out of me!"

   Dobby seemed not to have heard Harry, but was assessing what he was seeing instead, and released a fangirly squeal.

   "All the years of Master Draco's obsessing have finally paid off!"

   Harry turned and saw that Draco's eyes were wide, and his cheeks slightly pink.

   "Dobby always knew Master Draco was in looooove, long before Master Draco knew it himself. He always spoke highly of Harry Potter," he nodded vigorously, as the plate of sandwiches he held started to tremble, Harry took it from him, and the elf didn't notice as he continued dreamily, "And Dobby knew Harry Potter was in love with Master Draco, too!"

    "D-Dobby, NO!"

   "Dobby watched Harry Potter sleep eevery night, and put silencing charms around his bed, so nobody would hear him moooaning Master Draco's name."

   Now it was Draco's turn to turn and smirk at Harry, whose eyebrows shot through the roof, his face crimson.

   "When Dobby went to find Harry Potter's bedside last night to do his usual patrol, he noticed Harry Potter was gone! He then thought of all the places Harry Potter could be, but drew up blank.

   "He then asked Harry Potter's best friend, Ron Wheezy, where Harry Potter could have run off to. 'The Room of Requirement, maybe', Ronald had told Dobby through a mouth full of fried chicken. Dobby then rushed to the kitchens to make Harry Potter's favorite sandwiches, and lucky Dobby made extra, he sees two veeery hungry boys!"

   By that point, both Harry and Draco were feeling a wee-bit uncomfortable, then Dobby thankfully pulled out a case of chilled butterbeer from nowhere. The boys gratefully took that, mainly because Dobby didn't make any funny references about it.

   "Thank you, Dobby," Harry said,"There is a pair of boxers in the bathroom if you want them," Harry knew he took them off there.

   Dobby's eyes shone with tears as he ran into the bathroom

   Just as quick, he returned with a pair of briefs Harry didn't recognize.

   The house-elf was holding the pastel rainbow-striped unicorn underwear up for all to see.

   "Umm, Dobby. Where did you get those?"

   "In the bathroom sir, where Harry Potter told Dobby to look!" Dobby then gave his thanks and Disapparated with a 'CRACK'.

   Harry doubled over with laughter as Draco's cheeks flooded with embarrassment.

   "Don't...Don't tell me..." Harry tried to wheeze between laughs.

   "Don't tell me those were your unicorn undies!" Harry's voice trembled with laughter and as soon as he finished, cracked up laughing again.

   "I have no idea how he found those!" Came Draco's muffled mortified response from behind his hands, and Harry could see, still chuckling, Draco's red face.

   "Don't worry, I've given Dobby embarrassing clothes, too. Once, I gave him a pair of mustard-colored pair of socks my uncle pawned off on me."

   "The only difference between then and now is that YOU gave him MY underwear!"

   Both boys were quiet for a split second, then cracked up in unison.

   While eating the Sexual Sandwiches, the boys chatted away, stealing occasional kisses. The topic then shifted to what the wanted to do after Hogwarts.

   "I wanted to be an Auror for the Ministry, but yesterday morning, Headmistress McGonagall approached me about becoming the new Defense professor. It's always been a cursed job, but now that Riddle's dead, I think the curse has been lifted. Plus, it would be a fun journey."

   "Yeah," Draco replied,"Then we'd be able to talk between classes. A couple of weeks ago, McGonagall offered me the post as Potions Master/Professor after school ends this year.

   Both boys then felt a surge of hope, with the possibility of seeing each other every day.


Hey, sorry for the short chapter but I swear the next one will be good (hint - more Dobby!) But I shall tell no more!! XO.

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