Chapter 1

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Gwen's POV:

I sipped my cold smoothie slowly, looking around for a certain muscular boy a year older than me with dark hair and eyes.

"I wonder where Kevin is, he said he'd meet us here," I said to my cousin Ben, who was sitting across from me at the table.

Kevin was his friend, and my boyfriend. He was an Osmosian(half Osmosian technically), a human sub-species that had the ability absorb almost anything.

"I'm sure he's fine. He's probably just working on his car or something." Ben went back to noisily slurping his smoothie.

Kevin did work on his car a lot, but something feels off about this.

"I don't know Ben, I'm getting a bad feeling about this."

"Don't worry about him Gwen. Kevin can take care of himself. Just relax and try to enjoy yourself for once."

A noise behind me made me turn around. It was a few of Ben's fans, courtesy of him being the wielder of the Omnitrix, a watch-like device that he could use to transform himself into aliens. He also saved the universe multiple times, which Kevin and I did help him with, though many people forget that.

"Can I have your autograph?" A few of them said, crowding around my cousin.

"Of course," he replied, grabbing a pen.

I groaned, leaning my head on my hand in annoyance.


Kevin's POV:

There was a shuffling sound in my garage.

"Gwen, is that you?" I asked, sliding out from underneath my car, a wrench in my hand.

Pain blasted my skull- someone had hit me- and my vision began to go black. Right before I went unconscious, I caught a glimpse of a green, tentacled face.


Kevin's POV:

My eyelids fluttered open to see that I was in a warehouse. A seemingly abandoned warehouse.

My head throbbed from where I'd been hit.

Groaning, I tried moving my wrists, which were bound to a wall by metal cuffs.

The cuffs were pretty strong, but I could maybe absorb the metal and then break free.

"Kevin Levin."

I looked up to see Vilgax, a green alien with a tentacled face, red eyes, and frowning black lips. He wore his usual collection of armor that he'd won from others in battle, with only his face and right arm without protection.

"Vilgax," I said in disgust. "Surprise to see you back so soon, since we did defeat you just recently." I smirked, trying to get on his nerves.

"I don't have time for your petty remarks," he grumbled,"I have other things I need to worry about."

"Like what, trying to kill Ben and stealing the Omnitrix?"

This was starting to get boring. Maybe he just wants to gloat about capturing me. Why would he capture me? He normally just tries to attack Ben.

"Trying to fool me into telling you won't work. I think I'll just leave you here for a while."

I tried to absorb the material that the cuffs were made of while his back was turned. It wasn't working though.

What is this stuff?!

He began to walk towards an exit door.

"Vilgax!" I yelled after him,"get back here!" I aimlessly tried to wrench my hands free.

But he ignored me, and slammed the door shut behind him.



Gwen's POV:

My homework lay half completed on my desk. I just couldn't stop worrying about Kevin. It probably was nothing, but still, I couldn't get him out of my mind, I couldn't concentrate.

I grabbed my Plumber's badge, a circular, black object with a green design in the center in the shape of an hourglass.

The Plumbers are an intergalactic law-enforcement organization that deals with alien affairs and stuff like that.

Using my badge, I tried to contact Kevin, since he also had a badge.

"Kevin?" I said. "Kevin, it's Gwen."

But there was no answer. Where is he?!

Defeated, I put the badge back on my desk. It was late, and I couldn't go out looking for him now, I needed to finish my homework.

I hope he's okay.


Kevin's POV:

"Wake up!"

I groggily opened my eyes to see Vilgax standing in front of me.

"What do you want?" I asked coldly.

"I'm here to finish you off." His voice was casual and serious.

Finish me off?! No! And I can't get out of these stupid cuffs!

"Why do you want to finish me off? I thought Ben was the one you were after."

"He is."

I glanced around trying to find some way to get out of this mess, but it was no use.

Vilgax took out his sword, and pointed it at me.

Wait, his sword produces energy beams, so I could absorb the energy and get out of these cuffs. But I'll go crazy and just want more energy! I can't do it, I can't hurt Gwen again. Is there really another choice though? He's going to kill me.

Vilgax swung his sword in my direction, a beam of yellow energy arcing off of it, and coming towards me.

I made a split decision, one that I would regret.

When the blast hit my chest, I absorbed it. The energy felt exhilarating as traveled through my body.

And I wanted more.

A sound reached my ears; laughter. Vilgax's.


"That's exactly what I wanted you to do," he explained.

Ugh, why am I so stupid?! This was all a setup. The energy does feel nice though.

"Join me. I can give you more energy, and together, we can defeat Ben Tennyson once and for all."

Defeat Tennyson? He's my friend! No, I can't!

But a sliver of me wanted to join him, his offer of more energy drawing me in. He always back stabs his allies in the end though.

"No," I forced myself to say, before I changed my mind. I can't hurt Ben, or Gwen.

"Fine," Vilgax grumbled,"but if you ever change your mind..."

He came closer, and I saw something flying towards me.

And then everything went black.

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