We arrived at a huge black stone and glass building.
"Alright were here."
He grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of the van.
His grip was a little tighter than i would like.
And I've had just about enough of these alpha males pushing me around.
I took his wrist off of mine and pushed it to his back in between his shoulder blades.
A second later his face was against the van.
"You wanna loosen that grip?" my voice growled through gritted teeth.
"I will if you will." His strained muscular voice squeaked and I let him go.
"Jesus. where did you learn to do this shit?" He speaks rubbing his wrists.
"I didnt. i didnt learn. i just think it and then do it."i answer honestly.
"Ooh the chief is gonna love you."
"Well then let's meet him and stop fucking around."
And now the fear was gone again.
Whatever happened to me?
I'm a cold hearted, cold blooded killer.
I dont think,
I'm impulsive and pushing down my emotions.
Who even am i?
Before i know it I'm in a building similar to the drug building, but more full of life and more high tech.
billions of dollars worth of modern technology.
People and agents buzzing around me as if I'm not even there.
A few minutes later and I'm in a chair in front of Mr. Polanski.
"Hello Miss. Beckonoff, hope Cameron made your transfer enjoyable." his british accent spoke.
"Uh you could say that.."
"Fantastic! now let's get down to business." He bellowed
"How would you feel about joining shield?" His question scared me.
"Well id have to ask my mom first."
"oh you mean our new head of strategy?"
"Your what?"
"Hi honey." and there in the doorway was my mother.
"Mom!" i hugged her and all the emotion came flooding back.
Tears poured down my face as i held her close.
"So miss. Beckonoff what do you say? will you be our next Natasha Romanoff?"
I looked up to mother, who's embrace i wasn't quite ready to let go of just yet.
She nodded and smiled with tears streaming her face too as she ran her fingers through my hair.
"Id be honored to."
"Well you've done a bang up job surviving so far Miss. Beckonoff, let's see if you can keep it up."
BANG Up Job {BOOK 1}
AcciónBook 1 in the "Bang Up Job" marvel based trilogy. "The ones who have been through so much pain to the extent where they cant even remember their original identity, are the most lethal. Because they, we, i know how to survive." - Natasha Romanoff - B...