Find You

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Steve gave up on helping his best friend. He wanted to check up on (Y/N) and try and convince her to come out of her room. He knocked on the door, "(Y/N)? Please come out and eat something it's been days." No response. He sighed as he twisted the knob and he enter the room. He looked around looking for the girl he liked. He began to panic, looking everywhere and she wasn't there.

Steve was furious. He had thought that Bucky had done something even more hurtful to (Y/N). He stormed into the gym where Bucky was training. Bucky was sparing with Sam in the center of the gym and Clint was observing. "WHERE THE HELL IS SHE BUCKY?" he yelled at his so called best friend. All three men stopped what they were doing and looked at Steve questionably. Steve walked up face to face with Bucky and pulled at his shirt with a clenched fist.

Bucky was astonished at what Steve said. "What the hell are you talking about?" he replied shoving Steve's clenched fist off his shirt. Sam and Clint were utterly confused. Steve looked around at the others in astonishment. "I can't believe you Bucky!" Steve scoffed and said "I went to check up on (Y/N) and surprisingly her room was unlocked. I called out her name and she wasn't there." Steve sighed, "Bucky, I've checked the entire tower and she's gone."

"Maybe she went out to get air." Bucky huffed. "Bucky, just think for one goddamn minute. How long has she been in her room for?" Steve replied. Bucky and the other two stared blankly at Steve. Steve yelled, "5 Days! 5 DAYS GUYS!" All three men looked at one another in astonishment. "We have to start looking for her." Clint said. Steve and Sam nodded in agreement with Clint and began to exit the training area.

Bucky remained in his spot. Blinking in shock. How could this happen? Bucky began to walk out of the gym, but stopped. He thought to himself, Was this all because of me? He exhaled and looked at his reflection near the exit door. He pulled a chain from under his shirt. Attached to the chain was (Y/N)'s wedding ring. The beautiful diamonds glistened under the lights of the gym. The same wedding ring she threw at him. Bucky felt a single tear go down his face and land in his hand next to the ring. (Y/N) please be alright. He said to himself.

They used the Avenger's database to find (Y/N), but she was never to be seen. Everyone at the tower tried to help find their friend. Natasha and Clint traveled around the world trying to find any clues of (Y/N)'s whereabouts. Bruce and Tony tried their best to use all the knowledge they had to find her. Bucky and Steve did everything in their power to find their girl. Steve was so worried and stayed up every night to find the girl he liked. Bucky on the other hand tried to remain calm, but his fear of (Y/N) dead got to him. Each night he would have the same dream, it was a replay on the mission that broke them apart.

Where to find you
Where to find you
But I never really know just where to find you

There she was...Where was she? She looked around, but all she saw as darkness. She looked up at the sky and saw a full moon. You see you would imagine a beautiful full moon all bright and white, but no. The moon and stars were all one color...Blood Red. Her eyes widened in awe. Where the hell is she?

A/N: AANNNDD END OF PART 3!!! OMG guys did you like this? I hope you did

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A/N: AANNNDD END OF PART 3!!! OMG guys did you like this? I hope you did. Let me know if you want a part 4. Also if you have any ideas where the reader is let me know!! Ohh and what should be my next song inspiration?

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