Can one screw up ruin Y/N and Bucky's marriage?
How can jealousy play a major role in a person's life and the impacts it has.
A/N: I'm bad at descriptions, but this was a hit on my Tumblr so I posted it here. I hope you give it a read and enjoy! Thi...
He didn't know what was coming over him. The next thing he knew he has in a bed with the secretary form the gala. He was laying on the bed thinking about what happened with his wife. What has he done?
Now here is (Y/N) laying in her bed. Her makeup was smeared and hair was a mess. She turned from her side to look up at the ceiling of the hotel room. She heard faint snoring. She turned her head to see Steve in the other bed next to her still in his suit. His back was facing her and he was still asleep. She looked over at the clock 5:45 AM. She sighed looking back at her ceiling tears forming in her eyes.
Both Bucky and (Y/N) asked the same question, What happened that night? Each one thought this question over and over again. They have been so happy for many years. Their wedding was beautiful and all their friends were there. Natasha was (Y/N)'s maid of honor and Steve was Bucky's best man. How could this one screw up affect their marriage?
It was now 7:30 AM, Bucky got up from the bed trying not to wake the secretary. He walked to the bathroom and washed his face. He looked up to the mirror at his reflection. He didn't recognize the man staring back at him. A single tear went down his face. He heard a noise, wiped his face dry and went back to the room to check the woman in his bed. She smiled seductively at him and told him to get back into bed. He smiled, but paused. Should I really be doing this? He cleared his mind, but had a final thought. She's probably with Steve in his bed right now. With the jealousy overcoming his mind he walked to the woman on his hotel bed with an animalistic smirk.
Maybe they needed space apart? (Y/N) thought to herself. Did she do something wrong in their marriage? She questioned herself so much she began to cry again. Steve woke up from his slumber hearing muffled sobs. He turned around to see his best friend's wife sobbing. He got up from his bed and went into (Y/N)'s to comfort her. She noticed his presence and sobbed into his chest. He rubbed her back up and down gently. Steve's jealousy of Bucky's happy marriage was strong and gave each other way to much attention, but now? He wouldn't know how to explain how he felt. Bucky should be here instead of him.
~Time Skip to 10 AM~
Natasha had told the three to meet her at the hotel's restaurant. Before the meeting (Y/N) had contacted Natasha saying that she wasn't feeling well and said she would go back to the tower. Natasha said it was fine as long as she will be careful and get back safely. Steve and Bucky were quiet when Natasha was asking them what had happened to (Y/N). She gave up on asking them and went back to the mission. They had successfully taken down the person working for HYDRA and his henchmen (including the secretary lol). Apparently they were plotting on a way to bomb the Stark Tower and its surrounding buildings.
~Back at Stark Tower~
Bucky and (Y/N) have become very distant. This became noticed by everyone. Steve was there trying to comfort the two, but Bucky didn't want his friend's help. (Y/N) on the other had locked herself in her room and everyone tried to get her to come out. She hadn't left her room, even to get food and socialize with the others. This was 5 days ago. Nobody knew that (Y/N) had disappeared.
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A/N: End of part 2!! AHHHHH I hope you guys like it!!