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He stared at her as she looked over her shoulder. She was beautiful, her (y/c/h) hair glistened under the sun. Her (y/c/e) eyes shined as she looked off into the distance. As he followed her gaze it landed on his best friend, Steve Rogers.

Why is he feeling this way? After all (Y/N) is married to Bucky. Looking over at his best friend as he glanced at his girl. Steve and (Y/N) looked at each other for longer than Bucky liked. 

Bucky coughed to get his wife's attention. She turn to look at him with her beautiful smile. He gave her a hesitant smile back. They continued eating their food. He needed to focus on their instructions. Steve, (Y/N) and him were on a mission to spy on a person who supposedly was working for HYDRA.

~Time Skip~

They arrived at the gala. The three all walked to the bar and waited for instructions from Natasha. The two boys were wearing tuxedos, Steve with a black one and Bucky with a dark blue tux. (Y/N) was in a beautiful long burgundy dress with a slit down the right side of her leg (image below). (Y/N)'s (y/c/h) hair had perfect waves and if Bucky just met her he would instantly be in love again.

With the mission Natasha said that Bucky would be great to get information from the secretary of the man they were spying on. Steve and asked (Y/N) to dance so Bucky can do his task. (Y/N) gave a hesitant look at Bucky to make sure that it was ok with him. He just smiled and nodded for her to dance with his friend. The two began to sway along the music on the dance floor. Bucky went to find the secretary. When he approached her, she smiled and lifted her drink at him. He smiled she was beautiful, but not as beautiful as his wife. "Why would a beautiful lady be drinking alone at a bar?" he asked politely. She smiled and shrugged. Bucky pulled her to the dance floor and they began to sway. Bucky tried to investigate her, fishing out information important to the mission.

(Y/N) saw her husband dancing with another girl. She knew it was just for the mission, but she still felt hurt. Steve noticed (Y/N) looking at his best friend with a sad look. Steve started to cheer (Y/N) up and she began to laugh loudly. This was not unnoticed by Bucky, but he realized she was probably jealous of him dancing with another woman, right? He continued to talk to the secretary and she began to flirt with him. Bucky being coy he began to flirt to. It was in his nature and sometimes he doesn't even know he's flirting. The secretary began to pull him away from the party and out into the balcony. She began to get all touchy-feely with him. He was a bit intoxicated, but he didn't mind. In his eyes he just pictured his wife instead of this other woman in order to complete his task for the mission.

(Y/N) had pulled away from dancing with Steve and began to look for her husband. She went outside to the balcony and Steve was hot on her trail. There they were kissing. Bucky pulled away from the other woman. (Y/N) walked up to Bucky, smacked him and as she tried to hold her tears she took off her wedding ring and threw it at him. She went back inside to the party. Steve looked at his best friend shook his head in disappointment and walked back inside to find (Y/N).

There she was sitting, at the bar, alone drinking her sorrows away. Steve walked up to her and sat next to her. Steve had always been jealous of his best friend when he started to date (Y/N). He found her beautiful when he first saw her in the training area with Natasha. He looked over at her and she gave him a sad smile. A single tear ran down her face and she downed her alcoholic drink. She waved at the bartender to get her another drink. Steve gave (Y/N) a hug and tried to comfort her and this is where she began to sob.

Oh (that's why)

I still get jealous

Oh (that's why)

I still get jealous

Bucky still stood outside on the balcony. He saw his best friend comfort his wif- well he hopes she still would be his wife. Looking at the two sitting at the bar Bucky knew it should be him tending to his crying wife and apologizing to her, but he could move. He was scared that this was his final draw. He was jealous. Why was it always Steve who can comfort his wife in a way he never could? Bucky walked back to the secretary with a cloudy gaze.

"Who was that?" she said.

"Nobody." he replied sternly.

Jealously was only the beginning. Bucky knew he could never make it up to (Y/N).

A/N: kinda unedited! This got real sad real quickly!! I'M SORRY!! Guys let me know if you like this and please vote!

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A/N: kinda unedited! This got real sad real quickly!! I'M SORRY!! Guys let me know if you like this and please vote!

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