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Next to Frank is not the warm body heat he remembers through the night, but cold and bleak abandoned sheets that he doesn't particularly like the feel of at the moment. Gerard still wakes up early enough to hear the rooster before it crows. After brushing his teeth and throwing on some jeans and a white T shirt, he walks down the hall, originally going downstairs to see if he would find his husband making coffee, or reading, or talking on the phone. But he finds him in his Lab on his knees in front of an Easel with one paint brush in his hand and another in his mouth. His free hand is mixing some colors together in a pallete with his finger.

His hazel eyes flicker towards the entrance of the room and he smiles at Frank, teeth grinding down on the wood. He stops mixing and wipes his finger on his T shirt (filled with years of paint stains and various sauces) and then takes the paintbrush out. "Good morning, baby."

"Hi," Frank chuckles and shuffles in, crossing his arms. "Watcha doin'?" "Trying to recreate your amazing photo." Gerard grins wickedly. "Ah. You don't need to try though. Ha..." Frank nods. He looks around the room, taking everything in for the first time in probably 3 months. He doesn't like being in a room that houses Gerard's skills and reminds him that he's not there. "Although, it's a bit...different."

This peaks Frank's interest and he goes to look at it. His eyes widen considerably. He's used to these weird painting by now. "Is the sky...upside down? Are those clocks? It looks like the clocks are going through a time warp or something. Wait, so is that water?"

"You sound 10. "

"I feel 10 at the moment." Frank slides to his knees and continues to look the masterpiece-in-progress over. "What time did you wake up?" "I honestly don't know," Gerard rubs the back of his neck, a sign that he's embarrassed. "I just woke up and started walking around and ended up in here, remembering the picture you took." He smiled crookedly. "My body's wired to wake up early anyway."

"Well, duh. I'm surprised you even get sleep."

"A tired soldier is a dead soldier, Frankie," Frank flinches internally at those words. He wishes Gerard would choose them more carefully. " That's why I'm never tired."

"But yesterday was an exception." Frank giggled and Gerard rolled his eyes. "Fine. Whatever. I guess." "When's Mikey coming over?"

The paintbrush is back between Gerard's teeth and he's grabbing a tube of dark blue paint. "Is that those Acrylic paints you use?" His question makes Gerard's mouth tug at the ends. "You remembered." "Ugh. That's the only thing I remember about this room."

"He said 2. Knowing him, that means Noon...One?"

"Where are we gonna go?" Frank sits on his butt to be more comfortable, but scoots off to the side so Gerard still has his space. "I have no idea. A bridge we'll cross when we get there." He finishes squeezing the paint out and dips the paintbrush that was previously in his mouth into it. "What are you doing?"

Frank's confused expression only makes Gerard huff out in impatience. "Why did you leave?" "I'm...right here?" "Come closer, idiot. The hell did you scoot away from me for?" Frank just grins and stays where he is, admiring his husband. "Like I got a fuckin' disease or something..." Gerard mumbles. "You do. It's infectious." Frank sidles up next to him and kisses his jawline. "It makes me love you. Mmm."

"That was so corny. Never do that again." Gerard shakes his head shamefully but then seconds later he says, "Kidding. I love it." He turns his head and presses his lips to Frank's, slowly letting his eyes slip shut as his lips wrap around the younger's thin ones. Frank hums against his mouth and smiles softly. "We should waste a day kissing, hm?"

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