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As Jeonghan walked home after his first day, Seungcheol was giving the apartment the last touches to say they've finally settled in.

He checked his phone every now and then to see if he had missed any calls from the other but that wasn't the case.
When he was finally done with everything, he placed all the boxes in a corner and plopped down on the couch.

The door knob was heard and Jeonghan entered, with two other figures behind him.

"Hyung I'm home!"

The older was on his feet walking their way.

"This are my new friends Jun and Minghao, they live two floors above us!"

"Hi! I like your hair." said Jun pointing out his hair pulled back with bobby-pins.

"O-oh haha I was cleaning and stuff. Nice meeting you two."

"We're gonna be in my room if you need us." said Jeonghan taking Minghao's hand automatically.
He has always been one for skinship so this sorta stuff came to him naturally.

"Is he your boyfriend?" asked Jun from behind Jeonghan.

"Pfft no, he's like a brother to me."

The next day Minghao woke up, walking to the kitchen he saw Seungcheol on the stove.

"Sorry for staying over without notice." he said standing besides him. "Can I help you with something?"

"No no, it's okay. And don't worry, if Jeonghan wanted you to stay it's okay."

After a while the three college students were walking out the door.

Jeonghan's POV

Will I see him today?...

I was walking with my two new friends around the campus. Jun was talking about something but I wasn't really paying attention since my eyes where focused on finding that one person again.

"Hyung? Are you alright?"

"Uuuuh, yeah. I'm just looking for something."

Minghao responded with a soft 'ah' and I kept on looking.

"Or someone.." I heard Jun whisper to Minghao with giggles but I decided to ignore it.

"Looking for something specific Jeonghan?"

That voice rang trough all my body. His sweet delicate voice, and before I knew it, he was standing in front of me.
He was wearing a white turtle neck with a beige coat and his light pink hair giving him that air of royalty from a fantasy book.

"I- uh.. I was looking for the library?..." was the best thing I could manage to say.

"But hyung I sh-" Jun was cut off by Minghao who dragged him away.

"Sure, let me show you!" he said with a beautiful smile with a hand on my shoulder.

Seungcheol's POV

"Hyung for the last time! This rap goes better with a lower pitched voice!"

"Shut up! You know nothing."

"I know more than you about music, bitch."

I laughed and pushed Jihoon playfully receiving a hit with a pencil on my forehead afterwards.

"So, how are things with-"

"Stop. Don't say his-"


"Asshole... and I don't know." he said throwing his head back.

"You still haven't confessed? Jihoon you know his feelings right? He's basically dying for you since the first day. And we both know you like him."

"Yeah I do but I don't know.."

"What the fuck are you waiting for!? Just tell him!"

"Then why don't you tell Jeonghan!"

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